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History of Architecture in a Nutshell. "Graduates - Architects" exhibition at the SARP Krakow Branch Gallery

09 of June '22

What do Teodor Talowski, Witold Ceckiewicz, Andrzej Kadluczka, Marta A. Urbanska, Magdalena Kozien-Wozniak and Piotr Pasierbinski have in common? In addition to - of course - their professions, their common denominator is Krakow's August Witkowski 5th High School, which is currently celebrating its 150th anniversary.

wystawę zobaczyć można w Galerii SARP Oddział Kraków przy placu Szczepańskim 6

The exhibition can be seen at the SARP Krakow Branch Gallery at Plac Szczepanski 6

photo: Lubomir Nikolov

Located in the heart of the royal city, the high school is considered one of the most prestigious high schools in Poland. Here, in accordance with the school's patron's motto - To know a lot is a beautiful thing, but it is unequally more important to be able to know something - future politicians (for example, Jozef Beck), artists (including Grzegorz Turnau), directors (including Malgorzata Szumowska), travelers (for example, Robert Maklowicz) and numerous architects, among others, studied here. It is the latter group that the exhibition "Graduates - Architects," presented at the SARP Krakow Branch Gallery at 6 Szczepanski Square, brings closer (open until June 24 this year on: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 am to 2 pm, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1 to 6 pm).

kuratorka wystawy, Marta A. Urbańska i prezes krakowskiego oddziału SARP podczas wernisażu

Marta A. Urbanska, curator of the exhibition, and president of the Cracow branch of SARP during the opening ceremony

photo: Lubomir Nikolov

The exhibition presents the architectural achievements of the graduates of our great High School, and even at the time when it was still called the C.K. Higher Real School. It contains 21 B2-format boards, showing a synthesis of the achievements of artists, active in many fields of the queen of arts - architecture," its curators and, of course, also graduates of V LO - Marta A. Urbanska and Piotr Lewicki - say about the exhibition.

Although the boards are indeed small and extremely synthetically show the work of selected graduate-architects, they are also a chronologically ordered cross-section of architectural trends of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries in a nutshell.

wystawę otwiera maturzysta z 1875 roku - Teodor Talowski, a zamyka absolwent z roku 2010 - Piotr Pasierbiński

The exhibition opens with an 1875 graduate, Teodor Talowski, and closes with a 2010 graduate, Piotr Pasierbiński

photo: Lubomir Nikolov

The exhibition opens with 1875 high school graduate Teodor Talowski, and closes with 2010 graduate Piotr Pasierbinski. The boards also include sketches, designs and photographs of the realization of objects by Jozef Pokutyński, Zygmunt Hendel, Jerzy Struszkiewicz, Andrzej Wyżykowski, Andrzej Kadłuczka, Marek Golonka, Jan Skąpski, Marta A. Urbańska, Piotr Lewicki, Cezary Zawada, Artur Hampel, Magdalena Kozień-Woźniak, Piotr Nawara, Anna Bulanda-Jansen, Katarzyna Kozień-Kornecka, Andrzej Mikulski, Joanna Mirska-Zółkiewska and Agnieszka Łatak-Woźniak. An honorary place in the exhibition was taken by another student, though not a graduate of the five - Witold Ceckiewicz. Lubomir Nikolov is the author of the exhibition's graphic design.

Witold Cęckiewicz Teodor Talowski (matura 1875)

The boards present in a nutshell the works of, among others, Witold Ceckiewicz (a student of the 5th High School) and Theodor Talowski (matric 1875)

designer: Lubomir Nikolov

During the vernissage, Marta A. Urbanska recalled the extraordinary freedom her high school gave her, Magdalena Kozien-Wozniak, dean of the Faculty of Architecture at Krakow University of Technology, emphasized the critical thinking skills emphasized at school, and Bohdan Biś Lisowski the opportunity to develop a passion for the then still fledgling computer science. The curators also announced a sequel - a second part of the exhibition, because, as they discovered during its creation, there are many, many more graduates-architects of the Krakow five.

wystawa jest częścią obchodów 150-lecia V LO w Krakowie

The exhibition is part of the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the 5th High School in Krakow

photo: Lubomir Nikolov

The intriguing question is, do architects of such different eras have something more in common than the same High School? We cordially invite you to see the exhibition, maybe you will find the answer... - curators encourage.

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