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Architecture of Warsaw's Praga District. Another illustrated atlas in the collection of the Architecture Center

11 of August '20

The collection of illustrated atlases of architecture published since 2012 by the Center for Architecture has recently been joined by another, sixth edition dedicated this time to Warsaw's Praga district.

Five volumes have been published so far, depicting the architecture of the Warsaw districts of Powiśle (POW), Mokotów (MOK), Żoliborz (ŻOL), Ochota (OCH) and Saska Kępa (SAS). Magdalena Piwowar is the originator of the series of guides full of synthetic drawings of buildings and short descriptions.

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© Center for Architecture

The Illustrated Atlas of Prague Architecture (PRA) covers the area on the right side of the Vistula River - historic Prague within the boundaries enclosed by the railroad ring road and the Kamionek area lying beyond. Featuring a minimalist red cover, the atlas presents sixty-one buildings, architectural assumptions and details, monuments and sculptures located in the area. Each object is accompanied by an illustration and a brief description in both Polish and English. Moreover, the architectural presentations are preceded by a bilingual introduction with an outline of the district's history.

Ilustrowany atlas architektury Pragi (PRA)

photo: Peter Lyczkowski

Maciej Czeredys and Ewa Ziajkowska are responsible for the selection of objects and accompanying descriptions, while the drawings were prepared by Maciej Drążkiewicz, Mateusz Gryzło and Peter Łyczkowski. More information about the book can be found here.

Prague lovers can also take an architectural walk with the authors of PRA. An Illustrated Atlas of Prague Architecture, which is scheduled for Saturday, August 22 at 11:00 a.m. Detailed information on the event can be found here.

compiled by. ed.

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