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Armchair - prestige and comfort in any interior, or a brief history of the royal furniture

10 of September '20

Although there is a lot of competition for this title among furniture, plenty of people believe that the armchair deserves it without question! They are right, because it is a piece of furniture that not only provides the comfort of rest, but is also a symbol of home coziness and, if it has an interesting design, it also becomes a significant decoration of the interior.

Armchair over the centuries - function and form

In ancient times it was also a sign of social status and power. On armchairs sat kings and magnates, and later heads of families, while subjects or the rest of the household had to make do with benches, chests or equally hard chairs. Fortunately, this is now a distant past. Today, everyone can have an armchair and settle in it with a book in hand, relaxing after the hardships of the day and forgetting about the autumn weather, which does not encourage people to leave the house.

What has not changed is the representative function that the armchair is also supposed to perform in the room, as evidenced by the generally non-trivial appearance of this furniture. It is by no means about the rich ornamentation, woodcarving decorations or luxurious upholstery typical of historical furniture. In modern design, where simplicity rules, their role is taken over by ideal proportions, refined finest details, noble materials, exquisitely selected colors and - what is extremely important - original, eye-catching form.

HKliving (BM Housing)
© BM Housing Lekima od Zuiver © BM Housing

HKliving (BM Housing) and Lekima from Zuiver

© BM Housing

Armchair ergonomics in contemporary design

Designers also pay great attention to what you can't see, namely ergonomics. As a result of their scientifically supported work, armchairs are created that are shaped in such a way as to give proper support to the back, so that the user can sit for many hours without straining the spine. Some manufacturers have even made sure that a person resting, wanting to reach for an item lying behind, for example, does not have to get up. Such swivel armchairs are offered by HKliving (BM Housing), and do not have the "technical" look of office armchairs - the mechanism enabling them to rotate is hidden under the seat.

What's more, modern armchairs are not designed exclusively for large rooms. Most are small in size and, above all, light in form, making them look much smaller than they really are. So they will find their way even into a small studio apartment and certainly will not visually overwhelm it. An example? Retro models from HKliving, Waldo from Dutchbone, Sara by Woood or Dusk from Zuiver. These and many other models are available at BM Housing.

For more information, visit the company's BM HOUSING page on the A&B portal.

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