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A new eco-friendly and energy-saving solution for a Zar-based manufacturer of wood-based materials. Luxon LED company will light up SWISS KRONO

14 of November '21

Luxon LED has won a tender for energy efficiency improvements at SWISS KRONO sp. z o.o. in Zary. Nearly 4,500 lighting fixtures throughout the plant will be replaced, which will translate into a reduction of energy consumption by 5,435 MWh per year. The use of new and energy-efficient LED luminaires will bring a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions of nearly 4,500 tons of CO2 per year. The reduction of this greenhouse gas is equivalent to the reduction of annual carbon dioxide emissions from 5,465 internal combustion engine passenger cars!

Reducing CO2 emissions, improving working conditions and increasing safety at SWISS KRONO in Zary are the main objectives of the ongoing investment. In addition to ensuring appropriate light intensity standards at workstations, for many years our Company has paid special attention to implementing a policy of sustainable development, beneficial for today's economy and future generations.

Firma Luxon LED
rozświetli SWISS KRONO

SWISS KRONO plant interiors


The implementation of the project, prepared and supervised by DB Energy, was guided by the selection of the most modern solutions, which in the long term will ensure appropriate working conditions and a high level of automation of solutions through the control systems used. The modernization is comprehensive and concerns both outdoor lighting, workstations and emergency lighting.

The tender for the implementation of such a complex challenge was won by a company offering a complete package including: the most energy-efficient solutions, comprehensive lighting modernization with a warranty package, a modern control system and high quality lighting.

The conclusion of the contract was preceded by an energy efficiency audit. The scope of this audit included the installation of the current conventional lighting used at SWISS KRONO. Based on the result of the audit, three criteria were adopted that determined the choice of LED technology. The first is the environmental aspect, the second is related to improving the safety and comfort of our co-workers in the workspace, and the third is the financial aspect related to the savings that this type of solution will bring in the future. This investment, like all those implemented in recent years at SWISS KRONO is aimed at finding solutions that will benefit the environment, employees and the economy. The modernization being implemented will include outdoor and indoor lighting. With this investment, we will optimize the number of necessary lamps on the premises of SWISS KRONO, taking into account all applicable requirements and standards. Importantly, LED lighting will not generate additional heat, which will have an additional impact on the comfort of work in the production halls, which is particularly important in the summer," explains Tomasz Rola, Management Board plenipotentiary for the Environmental and Health and Safety Management System.

The entire project is expected to be completed within 12 months, and the work will take place on an active site without disrupting the plant's current operations. Lighting using LED technology is characterized by, among other things, long life, greater resistance to damage, very high efficiency. On the other hand, the LED light itself is clear, the light beam is focused, while radiation and heat emission are small. These features make LED lighting the most efficient and environmentally beneficial way of lighting today. It is perfect for households as well as industry. It is also a good solution for use in workstations, production halls, warehouses, offices, passageways, corridors, and also as emergency lighting or for outdoor area lighting.

With energy prices currently soaring, industrial plants urgently need to implement energy efficiency upgrades and projects. What pleases me most, however, is the awareness of companies such as SWISS KRONO that in addition to CO2 reduction and electricity savings, safe and comfortable working conditions for employees are equally important," says Maciej Szott, Vice President of Luxon Sp. z o.o.

SWISS KRONO sp. o.o. is a leader in the Polish market for the production of panels and wood-based products. Headquartered in Zary, the company was established in 1994 and is part of the SWISS KRONO GROUP holding, a world leader in the wood-based products industry. Today, Zary-based SWISS KRONO produces a total of about 1.5 million m3 of various types of wood-based panels annually and exports products to 70 countries on all continents. The current product range includes wood-based products from three industries - furniture, construction and finishing. The Polish plants employ more than 1,100 people, and the entire SWISS KRONO group employs more than 5,500 people in the countries of: Switzerland, France, Germany, the United States, Ukraine, Hungary and Russia. For more information about the company, visit the SWISS KRONO website.

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