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Excellent sound-absorbing solutions with seamless fade® Acoustic Plaster.

07 of February '22

The fade® Acoustic Plaster system available from Ecophon.

Fade® Acoustic Plaster is a high-quality spray applied plaster system for walls and ceilings. Its excellent sound-absorbing properties allow it to create optimal acoustic conditions in both large, commercial spaces and smaller office and educational areas.

Bezspoinowe sufity akustyczne

Seamless acoustic ceilings


Fade® Acoustic Plaster can be applied to virtually any surface, including straight and curved walls, as well as very sharp angles and curves, providing a more flexible, properly sized alternative to traditional sound-absorbing solutions such as suspended ceilings.

Błędy się
zdarzają... dzięki akustycznym tynkom fade możesz dokonać szybkiej i niezauważalnej naprawy punktowej uszkodzenia.

Mistakes happen... with fade acoustic plaster, you can make a quick and unnoticeable spot repair of damage.


Easy installation and quick repair of damage

The fade® Acoustic Pla ster system is distinguished by its extremely easy installation. With just a few simple steps, you can achieve a unique effect. And any damage to the fade acoustic plaster caused during use can be easily and quickly repaired.

Can be produced in any NCS color

The unique fade® Acoustic Plaster system can be produced in any NCS color. The coloring is done using a pigment created according to an individual recipe and added in the appropriate proportions. This ensures that we get the same product color every time. Our acoustic plaster is an inorganic material, so it is resistant to UV ra ys and color change during use.

Fade color

Fade color


Fade® Acoustic Plaster is safe and environmentally friendly

Concern for the environment has become a permanent part of the core business of any responsible company, so we are pleased to provide the market with unique and environmentally friendly products. The fade® Ac oustic Plaster systems are marked with the most important environmental certifications and help achieve additional points in LEED certification.




The world-renowned fade® Acoustic Plaster is now available from Ecophon.

For more information, visit the company 's ECOPHON, SAINT-GOBAIN page on theAiB portal.
on the Fade Ceillings website

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