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Gdynia Civic Pockets are springing up like mushrooms! The newest park is an urban mini-cosmos

03 of August '21

Over the past year, pocket parks in Gdynia have been springing up like mushrooms after the rain. This is all due to the "GdyniaCivic Pockets" project submitted by Gdynia citizens to the 2019 civic budget. As a result, nine mini-parks will be created in the city, promoting relaxation in the company of rich greenery. Recently, another park was opened - "Space Pocket", whose layout resembles the geometry of outer space!

"CosmicPocket" is another pocket park that was created in Gdynia as part of the "Gdynia Civic Pockets" project. It is located on Bruno Steyer Street in the Pogórze district. The City Gardener's Department is responsible for the project.

urban mini-cosmos

The main inspiration for the "Cosmic Pocket" project was the cosmos, specifically the geometry of outer space. As a result, a pathway connecting individual galactic objects was created in the park, and beyond it small resting spaces of oval shape - resembling stars. They were made of luminescent concrete, thanks to which after dark the park resembles a shimmering starry sky.

It is worth noting that, in principle, all the elements that make up the park correspond with each other. Together they form a geometric arrangement emphasized by plantings of regular plants.

The result of the implementation of the "Cosmic Pocket" project.

© UM Gdynia

Each star has an individual character, which is accentuated by different species of shrubs and perennials, selected in a way that will provide a decorative effect throughout the growing season , says Tadeusz Schenk, head of the City Gardener's Department.

The total area of the park is 3040 square meters, of which paving occupies 183 square meters, and greenery 264 square meters. The composition of greenery in the park consists of eight maple-leaf planters, 353 shrubs and 2329 perennials - which are new plantings .

The park has gained richer vegetation

© UM Gdynia

The cosmic layout is complemented by elements of small architecture: benches, waste baskets and an information board.

In this case, the main conceptual idea was to create a modern space with an individual character, inspired by space. This is a continuation of the implementation of the winning project selected by residents as part of the 2019 Civic Budget ," explains Gdynia's Vice Mayor for Development Marek Lucyk.

Gdynia Civic Pockets

"Space Pocket" was created as a result of the implementation of the city's "Gdynia CivicPockets" program, which started in the spring of 2020. Its goal was to create nine mini-parks in the city that give residents the opportunity to relax for a while in the surroundings of soothing nature. This is an apt example of an initiative for the local community and the city, which came about as a result of workshops and consultations of Gdynia residents.

The idea behind the pocket parks in the neighborhoods was to create neighborhood places, without age restrictions, and also accessible to people with disabilities. The development of the space we planned will encourage integration and intergenerational meetings. Rich vegetation, houses for hedgehogs and insects, but also boards with information about flowers and shrubs, among other things, will have educational value. We started working on the project in a small group and gradually managed to involve more and more people ," says Aleksandra Holomej, one of the authors of the project.

Gdynia pocket parks are to be built in these neighborhoods:

- Chylonia in the vicinity of the "Exchange House" (Swiecka Street)
- Dąbrowa (intersection of Mint and Tymiankowa streets)
- Wzgórze Św. Maksymiliana near the Wzgórze Library (141-143 Świętojańska Street and Biskupa Dominika Street)
- Działki Leśne (Nowogrodzka Street)
- Grabówek (Kapitańska Street)
- Leszczynki (Morska Street, in the vicinity of Zakręt do Oksywia Street)
- Pogórzu (B. Steyer street)
- Pustki Cisowskie-Demptowo right next to the bus terminal (Sakowicza street)
- Wielki Kack (Starodworcowa street)

Some of them are already ready! While in Gdynia, in addition to the "Space Pocket" in Pogórze, it is also worth looking for the "Pocket Herbarium" at the intersection of Mint and Tymiankowa Streets or the "Blanket Pocket" on Sakowicza Street in Pustki Cisowskie-Demptowie. These places are extremely charming and , as the project envisaged , conducive to relaxation among vegetation and meetings. The City Gardener's Department is responsible for implementing the parks' projects.

"Blanket pocket" park after implementation

© UM Gdynia

More information about Gdynia's pockets can be found on the website of the City Hall of Gdynia.

Katarzyna Domagała

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