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SIB_21. An asymmetrical semi-detached house designed for two sisters

25 of October '21
Technical data
Name: SIB_21 semi-detached house
Investor: private
Location: Poland, Lublin
Studio: 081 architekci
Design team: Sebastian Lucjan, Przemo Metko, Patryk Turewicz
Building area: 369,29 m²
Usable area: 218+213 m²

25,18 m


20,54 m

Maximum height:

7,20 m

Total volume:

2098,71 m³



The SIB_21 asymmetrical semi-detached house under construction in Lublin was designed by the {tag:pracownie} studio for two sisters with their families. The local plan allowed the architects to build from border to border of the plot, so the house will form a plomb between neighboring buildings.

Dom bliźniaczy
SIB_21, od strony ulicy

The building is simplified to basic solids

© 081 architects

The SIB_21 house has a simple, minimalist form of superimposed and protruding cubes. The first floors of the apartments are identical - they form a mirror image. Along the front elevation (on the eastern side ) there are two-car garages, which cut off the entrance to the rear part of the plot. This treatment allowed for maximum soundproofing, separation from the access road and the creation of intimate terraces located on the west side, along with gardens.

Dom bliźniaczy
SIB_21, rzut parteru

First floors of the apartments are identical - they form a mirror image

© 081 architekci

Access to the rear of the plot is possible directly from the living room, thanks to sliding terrace doors, or from the technical room, located behind the garages. The rest of the first floor includes a vestibule and a living area. The floors are already quite different - responding to the diverse needs of families. Thanks to the lack of symmetry, the project does not have the form of a traditional semi-detached house. The white facade was emphasized by the architects with black tan wood boards, which are also used to cover the flush garage doors.

Dom bliźniaczy
SIB_21, od strony ogrodu

The displacements of the block result from the functional layout

© 081 architects

Dobrawa Bies: The house has a simple form of superimposed and protruding cubes. Why such a design decision?

081 architects: The neighboring buildings do not have any distinctive features and do not yet create any context. For this reason, the designed building is simplified to basic solids, and their displacements are a direct result of the functional distribution dictated by the utility requirements.

Dom bliźniaczy
SIB_21, rzut piętra

The floors of the building differ from each other

© 081 architects

Dobrawa: SIB_21 is an asymmetrical twin designed for two sisters and their families. What requirements did the investors set for you? Did they care more about shared space or privacy?

081 architects: The investors came with clarified and well-described requirements. The entire first floor was to be identical for both families, containing a spacious living room with an open kitchen and dining room, one guest room/office, a small toilet and a two-car garage. In the garden zone, the space was to be fenced only with a grid, with no strong, solid separation between the two halves of the plot. The floors, on the other hand, were to be completely different: the younger sister wanted a bedroom located on the west side and a large dressing room. The older one wanted to locate her daughters' rooms on the west side. On the other hand, the east side in one half would be the children's rooms, while the other half would have a bedroom and a large utility room. Thanks to the lack of symmetry, the house does not have the form of a traditional twin.

om bliźniaczy SIB_21,
partery są takie same, jednak piętra różnią się rozkładem funkcji

The architects limited themselves to white plaster and black burled boards on the facade

© 081 architects

Dobrawa: Please tell us about the materials and solutions used.

081 architects: We were limited to two facade materials - white plaster and black burnt boards. This was one of the investors' initial assumptions.

Dobrawa: What gave you the most satisfaction in creating this project, and what was the biggest challenge?

081 architects: The most rewarding part was working on the details in the detailed design, so that the solid that will be created will one hundred percent reflect all the aesthetic assumptions from the concept stage. It was also the most challenging, as combining different levels of ceilings and roofs required intensive inter-industry coordination.

Dobrawa: Thank you for the interview.

Dobrawa Bies

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