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An idyllic vacation in the countryside. The house on the application by the studio Ggrupa

03 of February '21
Technical data
Name: House in Paplin
Investor: private
Location: Poland, Paplin, Lodz province.
Project: Ggrupa
Architects: Agnieszka Radomska, Mateusz Frankowski, Fryderyk Graniczny, Marcin Solarek, Bogusława Szlachciak
Area: 35 m²


  • design
  • implementation

2021 -

The design of the house in Paplin is a gift for the parents of the architect from the {tag:pracownie} studio. The building was created for a submission, and both its facade and interior refer to the surrounding architecture and cottages from the communist era.

Wnętrze domu
w Paplinie Dom w Paplinie, elewacja

The paintings created by Gusia Szlachciak are meant to capture the idyllic atmosphere of vacations in the countryside

il. Gusia Szlachciak © Ggrupa

The summer house was designed to be completed on an application - up to thirty-five square meters. On the small space of the first floor, in addition to the living area and bathroom, the architects placed a bedroom and a staircase to the mezzanine. The facade of the house refers to the surrounding architecture and outbuildings - covered mainly with plaster and fiber cement tiles. Such a material solution is both economical and coherent with the surroundings, while the interior, filled with pine panel ing, refers to associations with summer cottages from the communist era.

Rzut parteru domu
w Paplinie Rzut piętra domu
w Paplinie

The house was designed with the idea of realization on the application

© Ggrupa

Dobrawa Bies: For whom was the house designed? Did the investors set specific design requirements for you?

Mateusz Frankowski: The house was designed for the parents of one of our team members. The house was to be year-round and was to have a maximum of 35 square meters. Despite the small size, we had to fit a comfortable living area, a bedroom and a comfortable staircase to the mezzanine on the first floor at the same time.

Ściany pokryte są
boazerią Antresola domku
w Paplinie

The interior of the house is reminiscent of communist-era summer cottages filled with paneling

il. Gusia Szlachciak © Ggrupa

Dobrawa: Please tell us about your inspiration and work on the project.

Matthew: Our main task was to compress this rather broad functional program into a delimited 35 square meters. So for several weeks we tested various settings to optimize the ergonomics and appearance of the interior and exterior space. We looked for inspiration mainly in the choice of finishing materials - we pulled the elevations from the surrounding farmhouse, where fiber cement and plaster predominate, and the interior of the house is reminiscent of the panelled cottages of the People's Republic of Poland.

Sielski domek
w Paplinie Przekrój domu
w Paplinie

The facade of the house refers to the surrounding architecture

il. Gusia Szlachciak © Ggrupa

Dobrawa: The visuals for this project are unusual. They resemble book illustrations rather than photorealistic 3D visualizations. Why did you make such a decision?

Matthew: The project was not commercial, it can be called a gift, so we had more freedom than usual in choosing the means of presenting the object. The images, which were created by Gusia Szlachciak, in addition to presenting the architecture, were meant to capture something that ordinary photorealistic visualizations are not able to convey - that is, the idyllic atmosphere of a vacation in the countryside.

Dobrawa: Thank you for the interview!

Dobrawa Bies

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