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Klaudia Trębska
A graduate of the first and second degree programs of the Faculty of Architecture at the Wrocław University of Technology. Her engineering work done under the supervision of Dr. Eng. arch. Mark Lamber was distinguished in the international architectural competition "Wellington Oriental Bay Pavilion Competition" and awarded 1st place in the SARP O/Wrocław Engineering Diploma of the Year competition. Winner of the 3rd prize in the competition for the best graduate of the Bachelor's degree of the Faculty of Architecture at the Wrocław University of Technology in the academic year 2018/2019. Master's thesis entitled. "Tjukula Jukurrpa. A rehabilitation center for Australian koalas on Mount Tamborine, Queensland," whose supervisor was also Dr. Eng. arch. Marek Lamber, received first prize in the departmental competition for the best thesis. She has participated in many architectural competitions. She gained professional experience in Wroclaw studios implementing projects in the Polish and international markets.
Architektura & Biznes – articles

Results of the 11th edition of the "Best Diploma - Architecture" competition
Diplomas | Student competitions
Klaudia Trębska - "Tjukula Jukurrpa. A rehabilitation center for Australian koalas"
Diplomas | Wroclaw Univeristy of Science and Technology