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What will the "roundhouse" in Jordan Park look like?

11 of October '23

The Board of Urban Greenery in Krakow has published a project for the redevelopment of jordanówka - the changes concerning the iconic building of the Krowoderski park have been awaited by many Cracovians and Cracovian women not only because of the sentiment of their youthful years.

At the end of 2021, we reported on the magistrate's plans for the building colloquially known as "okrąglak" or "jordanówka", located in Henryk Jordan Park. The building, which had been falling into disrepair for many years, today requires measures to protect it.

Zarząd Zieleni Miejskiej opublikował projekt przebudowy kultowego „okrąglaka”

The Urban Greenery Board has published a project for the reconstruction of the iconic "okrąglak"

© Press materials of the Board of Urban Greenery

"Jordanowka" was built in 1974, and the project was drawn up by the PW-1 studio of Krakow's Miastoprojekt. Previously, a dairy designed by Jan Rzymkowski at the end of the 19th century operated on the site, to which the 1970s design tried to relate - they were linked primarily by the use of the rotunda shape.

"Okrąglak" became part of the landscape of Krakow's park, as evidenced by the great interest in its preservation and future expressed by community members. When the magistrate's proposal to create a small sports museum caused controversy, the city decided to hold a public consultation.

obiekt zostanie uzupełniony o rozwiązanie dla osób z niepełnosprawnościami

The facility will be supplemented with a solution for people with disabilities

© Press materials of the Board of Urban Greenery

what is the future of okrąglak as seen by residents?

After the first presentation of the idea by representatives of the Magistrate, the city decided to conduct a public consultation, which collected 1156 responses, on how they see the future of okrąglak in terms of functions.

How would residents see the use of the "roundhouse"? When asked what functions the pavilion should serve to benefit residents, the most common choices were cultural and social functions. The museum function, proposed two years ago, garnered a mere 32 votes.

funkcje kulturalne i społeczne były najczęściej wybierane przez respondentów

Cultural and social functions were the most frequently chosen by respondents

© Report prepared by Magistrat

Survey participants were also able to respond with other answers, typing in what they would like to see in the Roundhouse. The overwhelming majority, as many as 333 responses, was a catering function. It represents the most frequently selected answer after cultural and social functions.

respondenci, którzy wybierali opcję inne, najczęściej wybierali funkcję gastronomiczną

Respondents who selected the other options most often chose the gastronomic function

© Press materials of the Board of Urban Greenery

conservative maintenance

The Urban Green ery Board has published visualizations of the redevelopment based on design documentation. A construction permit has also been issued. The design of the plant combines the three most popular functions - social, cultural and gastronomic.

The face of the "okrąglak" will not change in terms of form - the rotunda shape, wooden elements combined with stone floors will be preserved. When the building's lease ended, many people raised a lament over the future fate of the place, fearing ideas of complete demolition of the building.

w środku ma znaleźć się funkcja gastronomiczna

A catering function is to be located inside

© Press materials of the Board of Urban Greenery

"Okrąglak" will undergo, first of all, conservation and modernization - its form is to be respectfully restored where it has been obliterated by exploitation. In addition, the building will be adapted to the needs of people with disabilities. Hence the appearance of an external elevator allowing access to the terrace.

w środku będzie również przestrzeń dla funkcji społecznych i kulturalnych

Inside there will also be space for social and cultural functions

© Press materials of the Board of Urban Greenery

Implementation of these solutions will depend on the city's financial capabilities related to the state of the municipal budget and the Long-Term Financial Forecast. The solutions proposed by ZZM are adequate to what residents wanted to see, although everything will also depend on the future tenant, who would be selected after the project is completed. However, the return of the "roundhouse" to life will have to wait a while yet.

na ostateczną realizację należy jednak trochę poczekać

The final realization, however, will have to wait a while

© Press materials of the Board of Urban Greenery

compiled by Wiktor Bochenek

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