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What will Krakow surprise you with?

21 of September '20

Wawel Castle, the Barbican, St. Mary's Church are icons of Krakow that almost everyone knows. However, the city of Krak hides many more gems, which will be discovered during the first Krakow architectural city game!

Kreatura Student Circle, operating at the Cracow branch of the Association of Polish Architects, invites students of architecture and related fields, as well as all those interested in architecture and art, to participate in an architectural city game, which will be held on October 10 in Cracow. The purpose of the event is to popularize lesser-known Krakow landmarks and contemporary buildings and to integrate the community of young architects. The city game will combine elements of a game drive, computer games and happenings. This is an excellent opportunity to look at the city from a different angle!

Competitors in teams of three will set out in search of challenges that await them on the streets of Krakow's city center. The tasks will require from them not only knowledge of architecture, but also creativity and the ability to act under time pressure. The 1st Krakow Archi-City Game will conclude with a lecture by a special guest. There will be architectural prizes for the teams that demonstrate the greatest knowledge and score the most points for the tasks they complete! - the organizers announce.

More information and registration details can be found here.

elaborated. ed.

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