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Archicad 25 - improved project template from Multibim

14 of October '21

Archicad is one of the most powerful programs for design and visualization in 3D technology and in BIM environment. The official supplier of this program in Poland is Multibim, which has been a partner of Hungarian manufacturer Graphisoft for many years.

The Multibim brand, in addition to just selling Archicad software, is constantly developing by providing Archicad users and its customers with more and more new solutions and tools that help designers and architects in their daily work.

One such tool is the Archicad Project Template, also commonly referred to as "Archicad Template." An Archicad project template is nothing more than a design template that has special functions and settings. Its main task is to streamline the architect's work, structuring and organizing it. As a result, the architect, working on such a template, goes through the design stages more efficiently and saves his valuable time.

The design pattern in Archicad can be set by each user individually according to his own preferences and needs. However, the design pattern from Multibim is something special, as it contains additional features and settings that are not available in the standard version of the software.

The Multibim team is constantly working on and developing Archicad-related tools to make the design process even better. That's why Multibim's new and improved design template includes a number of new and helpful functionalities, ensuring satisfying and increasingly efficient design, among others:

  • floor settings, sample sections and elevations,
  • project preference settings, e.g. units,
  • systematized settings of layers and layer combinations,
  • settings of other attributes, including building materials, layer structures, profiles,
  • pens, settings of model representation and remodeling stages,
  • graphical variants for various purposes, including model quality control,
  • default settings for all tools and sample favorites for each tool,
  • additional Multibim library elements: door/window ORM marker, U-wall label,
  • a view map configured for various purposes,
  • sample metrics and sheet templates,
  • sheet folder containing sample conceptual and construction documentation,
  • publication sets: conceptual design and construction design in PDF and BIMx versions,
  • additional settings for insolation analysis with the Multibim SUN add-on.

 Panel Klienta Multibim

Multibim Client Panel

© Multibim

The Archicad project template from Multibim was presented for the first time during the online event "Week with Archicad 25", which took place from September 22 to 24, 2021. After the event, the organizers made available to all users a special platform called the Multibim Customer Panel, where they posted all the footage from the event. Additional downloadable materials, including the Archicad project template, were also recently released.

The Archicad project template can be downloaded after logging in to the Multibim Customer Panel, where a recording showing its key functionalities is also available.

In addition to the Archicad project template, the platform also offers a sample design of the analytical model of the structure, information on the Mutlibim SUN program for window insolation analysis, installation in Archicad, as well as design and visualization in Archicad 25. In addition, users who purchase the Multibim Card can also have unlimited access to more than 70 hours of recordings of Archicad courses and trainings, as well as topics on openBIM, IFC, etc.

More information is available on the Multibim website.

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