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Professor Olgierd Czerner has passed away

09 of November '20

Professor Olgierd Czerner, architect and historian, founder and first director of the Museum of Architecture in Wroclaw, Conservator of Wroclaw Monuments (1955-1965), pedagogue of the Faculty of Architecture at the Wroclaw University of Technology, died on November 6 this year at the age of 91.

Olgierd Władysław Czerner was born on April 15, 1929 in Świętochłowice, he began his studies at the Faculty of Architecture at the Wrocław University of Technology just after the war, together with Marian Barski, Tadeusz Zipser, Zenon Prętczyński. In 1951, he began teaching at the same university, defended his doctoral thesis in 1960, and seven years later received his postdoctoral degree. In 1977 he received the title of professor, and in 1994 he took the position of full professor at the Technical University.

Architecturally, Wroclaw was changing before my eyes. I put a lot of work into rebuilding it, especially the area around the Market Square and Ostrów Tumski. Sometimes, when I look at some of the buildings or streets, I get emotional and think: "My God, what a terrible ruin it was". - said the professor in a recent conversation he conducted as part of a publication titled "The History of the University of Warsaw. "Before We Were Professors," which will soon be published by the Wroclaw University of Technology.

City conservator and director of the Museum of Architecture

In parallel with his work at the university, Olgierd Czerner served as Conservator of Monuments of the City of Wroclaw, a position he assumed as a mere twenty-six-year-old architect. During his tenure, among other things, Gothic churches were restored. The professor was also in charge of restoring the Racławicka Panorama. In 1980-1985, he was responsible for erecting the building and restoring the painting, and at the same time assumed the duties of vice-chairman of the Racławicka Panorama Social Committee. In 1987 he began the restoration of the ruined Collegiate Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Glogow, and from 1965 he created the Museum of Architecture - for the next 34 years he was its director.

Profesor Olgierd Czerner we Florencji

Professor Olgierd Czerner in Florence

photo: Wroclaw University of Technology

Since 1965, the professor was a member of ICOMOS (International Council for the Preservation of Historical Monuments and Sites). From 1986 to 1994 he was president of the Polish National Committee. In turn, from 1990 to 1994, Professor Olgierd Czerner became an international vice-president, a member of the International Council of Museums ICOM, the Committee on Architecture and Urbanism of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Society for the Care of Historical Sites, the Association of Polish Architects, the Association of Art Historians, the Association of Conservators of Historical Sites.

numerous awards and publications

The professor was honored with, among others: Silver and Gold Cross of Merit, Commander's Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, Medal of the Commission of National Education, Gold Medal of Merit for Polish Culture Gloria Artis, Gold Badge for Care of Monuments and Medal of Participation in the Reconstruction of the Royal Castle in Warsaw.

Olgierd Czerner was the author of books on the architecture of Wroclaw and Lviv, as well as works related to the theory and practice of historic preservation, including: "Rynek wrocławski" (Wrocław 1976 Ossolineum, Warsaw 1977, Arkady), "Wrocław na dawnej rycinie" (Wrocław 1989, Ossolineum), "Lwów na dawnej rycinie i planem" (Wrocław 1997, Ossolineum), "Architektury istnienie i zachowanie - z szuflady Profesora" (Wrocław 2004, Museum of Architecture) "Mój wiek XX" (vol. 2 2015, vol. 1 2016, Museum of Architecture) and co-author of publications: "Avant-garde Polonaise, The Polish Avant-garde, The Polish Avant-garde" (with H. Listowski, Warsaw - Paris 1981, Interpress - Moniteur), "East European Modernism" with W. Lesnikowski (New York 1996, Rizzoli).

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