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Green front gardens of Szczecin - can we afford to go green?

15 of March '23

Another edition of the "Green Front Gardens of Szczecin" campaign has ended in Szczecin. - This year's interest in the event was lower compared to previous years. This raises the question, how to take care of greenery in the context of rising costs?

next edition

The "Green Front Gardens of Szczecin" program has been implemented since 2015. In the previous editions, more than sixty implementations throughout the city were subsidized. The idea of the program is to support housing communities and TBS in greening the space in front of residential buildings. The city subsidizes new plantings, hedges, lawns, but also maintenance of existing vegetation. The municipality of the city covers 75% of the investment costs, with the rest falling on the community. In this way, communities are not exposed to large costs.

The program accompanied another city initiative - the "Green Backyards of Szczecin" campaign, which subsidized backyards in housing communities.

This year, less than four hundred thousand zlotys were awarded as part of the action - what could this be due to?

Compared to previous years, interest was low. This year's call received only two applications for front gardens and three for backyards. Due to the economic situation, many communities decided not to renovate their backyards. This may be due to the precarious financial situation of residents, increases in the prices of goods and services. On top of that, rising loan installments, which is associated with an increase in the write-off for the renovation fund. All this is translating into decisions about investments in community properties at the moment," says Tomasz Klek, spokesman for the City of Szczecin for housing.

szczecińskie zielone przedogródki

Szczecin's green front gardens

© Management of Municipal Buildings and Premises in Szczecin

the problem of greenery in a world of crisis

The low interest in the subsidy program is not coincidentally linked to the timing of the energy crisis and economic downturn. In particular, housing and utility costs have hit Poles' budgets over the past year. This has also, as Tomasz Klek pointed out, translated into participation in the program.

w tegorocznej edycji zgłoszono tylko dwa przedogródki

Only two pre-gardens were submitted in this year's edition

© Management of Municipal Buildings and Premises in Szczecin

How to finance greenery in a world of increasing energy poverty? More local governments, but also private investors, will face this question. The question of proposed solutions is open - as we can read in the latest issue of A&B - Green City. The example of Szczecin's front gardens shows that financing may prove to be a problem in the long term - the search for cheaper solutions does not necessarily mean restrictions on green investments. The program initiated in Szczecin, which worked perfectly for many years, shows that new forms of "cheap greenery" should be considered.

Of course, the City is interested in continuing both programs: Green Backyards and Green Front Gardens of Szczecin. However, everything depends on whether money will be allocated for this purpose, and whether the residents themselves, despite the difficulties, will want to invest in their areas," adds Tomasz Klek.

Jaka przyszłość czeka szczecińskie przedogródki?

what future awaits Szczecin's front gardens?

© Management of Municipal Buildings and Premises in Szczecin

compiled by Wiktor Bochenek

Photos courtesy of the Board of Municipal Buildings and Premises in Szczecin

The vote has already been cast