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Minimalism and tranquility. One-story house KEL_20

10 of November '20
Technical data
Name: KEL_20
Investor: private
Location: Poland, Lublin
Studio: 081 architekci
Design team: Sebastian Lucjan, Przemo Metko, Patryk Turewicz


  • total
  • usable

237,66 m²
198,2 m²


21,97 m


13,30 m

Maximum height:

5,35 m

Total volume:

897,36 m³



The single-story house KEL_20 designed by architects from 081 architekci studio, despite its location in a dynamically developing neighborhood, provides peace and privacy for homebuyers. Elongated and inaccessible from the street, the block on the northeast side opens up to a picturesque view of the ravine.

Parterowy dom, strefa

The house on the day side opens to the northeast with a view of the ravine

© 081 Architects

Dobrawa Bies: What was the main inspiration for this project, what is the shape of the block derived from?

081 Architects: The project is a direct response to the investor's requirements and the conditions of the plot. Due to the dynamically developing neighborhood where the house is to be built, while there is no neighboring development, we decided to cut ourselves off from the future neighbors, and open the house quite unusually—to the northeast where a picturesque ravine stretches. It was then necessary to illuminate the living space from the opposite southwestern side, which, unfortunately, was entirely adjacent to the road. The architectural solutions used made it possible to cut off the view from the road, illuminate the living area with the best afternoon light, and visually open the living room to the garden, which connects to the ravine.

Etapy projektowe domu Efekt końcowy projektu domu

The architects decided to cut themselves off from the dynamically developing neighborhood and open the house to the northeast

© 081 Architects

Dobrawa Bies: What was your priority for this project?

081 Architects: The priority was to maximize the potential of the location. Even though the house will be built on a sizable estate of single-family houses, the fact that it will stand in the last line of development means that the plot can benefit from the charm of the neighboring ravine. Most of the design decisions were subordinated to opening up the living zone to the garden overlooking the ravine, while keeping it well lit.

Fragment domu pod
Lublinem Parterowy dom

Additional shielding contributes to the intimacy of the plot

© 081 Architects

Dobrawa Bies: What were the investor's expectations and needs?

081 Architects: The investor came to us with quite general requirements, and most of the solutions and ideas were developed at the stage of analysis of the plot, the local plan and the functional program presented by the owner.

Dom od strony
głównej ulicy

The minimalist form of a one-story house

© 081 Architects

Dobrawa Bies: What gave you the most satisfaction in creating this project, and what was the biggest challenge?

081 Architects: The most satisfaction came from the first presentation of the concept, as it turned out to be the last one—in a positive sense. Already the first proposed idea so appealed to the investors that after a few cosmetic changes we were able to move on to the construction project. The biggest challenge is yet to come—supervising the construction so that the resulting building is one hundred percent in line with the concept presented to the client.

Dobrawa Bies: Thank you for the interview.

Dobrawa Bies

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