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Hybrid Łódź Design Festival 2020

14 of September '20

This year's 14th edition of Łódź Design Festival will be a hybrid event - it will be held in virtual space and in selected locations in the city. Exhibitions are planned in specially arranged containers, located in public spaces, and the two pillars of the festival - the must have and make me! expositions in post-factory locations - Manufaktura and Monopolis.

The festwial will begin on September 17 this year. The slogan of this year's edition is Progres. As the event's organizers note, the multiplicity and complexity of contemporary problems, such as the depletion of non-renewable resources, the littering of the environment with plastics or the increase in greenhouse gas concentrations, make individual consumer and professional decisions fraught with uncertainty about the impact we have on the environment, and thus on the future.

As the organizers of the Łódź Design Festival, we support activities aimed at actively improving the quality of our lives, testing new designs, improving existing solutions and creating products that are better adapted to today's world. We believe that we are in a place where it is impossible to simply stop, give up the conveniences brought to us by the progress of civilization and return to the mythical state of nature. Will the solution to our most pressing problems be a planned post-growth, the design of new ways to produce and use consumer goods, a breakthrough in the creation of new materials, or perhaps the next industrial revolution? - asks Michal Piernikowski, director of the Lodz Design Festival.

One of the events planned during the festival is ARCHIBLOK [info], a discussion led by Filip Springer with the participation of Professor Ewa Kuryłowicz (Kuryłowicz & Associates), Bogusław Bar naś (BXBstudio Bogusław Barnaś), Jerzy Łątka ( and Dominika Zielińska (workplace). The presentations and discussion will be available to listen online, free of charge and without registration. More information and a detailed program of the event can be found here.

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© Łódź Design Festival

After the festival, the city will be left with three rain gardens available to Lodz residents. This, the organizers assure, is a functional and aesthetic example of a solution to a specific problem, a way to improve water retention, counteract floods or prevent drought.

We will not only focus on building the gardens, but also invite those willing to participate in workshops on how to create them and publish instruction manuals to try them on their own," announces festival spokesperson Aleksandra Kietla. - We want to treat all events in this way, the physical presentation will be complemented by high-quality materials published online, such as videos, photos, 3D tours, extensive publications or podcasts, which we have been working on for many months, she adds.

compiled by:
Ola Kloc

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