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In Ostrow, they're changing ugly signs to neon again

22 of May '24
w skrócie
  1. The "Signboard in the breath" action in Ostrow Wielkopolski is an initiative to improve the aesthetics of urban space by replacing unsightly banners with neon signs.
  2. Micro-innovations in urban space: Micro-innovations, such as the "Szyld w dechę" action, aim to improve the aesthetics of Polish cities through small, grassroots activities.
  3. Previous edition: The previous edition of the "Signboard in the Rain" campaign received positive feedback from residents and the media, which encouraged the organizers to continue the project.
  4. Ideas for the future: the archiBUNT Association is planning further activities in the urban space, such as murals, happenings, exhibitions and street art festivals.
  5. For more interesting information, visit the home page of the A&B portal

Good practices, even the smallest ones, should not rest on their laurels - otherwise they become a one-off attraction instead of real change. In Ostrów Wielkopolski, the "Signboard in the breath" campaign has once again been launched. - showing what direction it has decided to take in urban space.


The aesthetics of the space of Polish cities, the real image of which Filip Springer or Piotr Sarzyński tried to show a dozen years ago, very often remains unchanged. Reklamoza chasing bannerosis, despite new legal tools, is disappearing very slowly. These changes can very often start with small steps.

An example of small, grassroots action can be the "Sign in the air" action of the archiBUNT association, which a year ago launched a campaign to replace aggressively unsightly banners and signs with neon signs and a new visual identity. We talked about last year's action with the authors of the idea in the pages of the portal. Good changes are never a one-time thing, so this year the members of the association took action to change more signboards in the space of Ostrow Wielkopolski. Micro-innovations in the city space are to be just the beginning. What direction will they take?

detal nowej identyfikacji wizualnej jednego ze sklepów

A detail of the new visual identity of one of the stores

© ArchiBUNT Association

The founders of the archiBUNT association, Konrad Moszyński and Remigiusz Jurek, talk about the next installment of the "Signboard in the breath" campaign, the fight for good aesthetics and plans for the future.

Wiktor: This is the next installment of the action. Let's start with how the previous change was received among Ostrow residents?

Konrad Moszynski: I think quite well. Judging by the many positive opinions or comments on the Internet, not only from the residents of Ostrow, but also from those from other parts of Poland, as our first action, Signboard in a cool place, became quite famous thanks to the media, including, among others, your monthly magazine. For us, the most important thing is the satisfaction of local entrepreneurs and residents, because both gain, and above all the city gains.

neon gabinetu dentystycznego

neon sign of a dentist's office

© ArchiBUNT Association

The aim of these actions is to change the city in the visual sphere, change for the better. We want to show that it is possible to do things differently, less flashy, more modest, with respect for the historical urban fabric, which does not mean unnoticeable. On the contrary. I think that Polish society is slowly beginning to mature aesthetically and recognizes the need for change, and perhaps like us - longs for the old days, when advertising also played the role of street art. However, we realize that with these actions we will not change the image of the entire city just like that. This is not a complete remedy for the ubiquitous advertising ugliness and mottling, for this we need tools such as a landscape resolution, aesthetic education and a sense of social responsibility for public space. However, we believe that with such actions we are moving step by step closer to this goal.

Remigiusz Jurek: Since changing the image of signboards and display windows is not only an improvement of the "brand" of the owner of a given establishment, but above all it is an aesthetic improvement of the part of the city's frontage that makes up public space - it can be said that the "Signboard in a good mood" campaign is addressed to all city residents. Hence, we are very interested in all opinions - we talk to entrepreneurs and follow the comments of residents in social media - positive ones dominate, thanks to which we are motivated for further actions.

neon sklepu obuwniczego

shoe store neon sign

© ArchiBUNT Association

Victor: How is this edition different? How many signboards will you take on?

Konrad: Basically, it is not very different from the previous one. We again took four submitted premises to the workshop, with the difference that two of them did not require refreshing the facade, as the buildings had been recently renovated. In the other two cases, we suggested that the owners refresh the fac ade and change the color scheme. We mainly dealt with signboard designs. A total of four neon signs were created, including one animated one(Ballerina) and one illuminated metal sign. We also devoted a lot of attention and work to the graphics in the shop windows. We are pleased that both editions were attended by owners of establishments that have been operating in Ostrow for very many years.

zmiana identyfikacji sklepu obuwniczego

shoe store identity change

© ArchiBUNT Association

Remigiusz: For locals, there are rather no differences, but after the experience of the first edition, we have made some changes in the regulations for those joining the workshop. We also approached implementation issues a little differently, so that it is clear who is responsible for what.

zmiana identyfikacji gabinetu stomatologicznego

change in the identity of the dental office

© ArchiBUNT Association

Wiktor: A year ago for A&B you indicated that you have many more ideas for changing Ostrow's space - will you reveal a few?

Konrad: These ideas are quite a lot. Starting with murals, which we have already painted several, through happenings, exhibitions, art installations, sculptures, and small architecture. We are happy that in addition to us, other local artists are starting to work in the urban space. We dream of organizing a street art festival with the participation of local artists, as we have quite a number of them here. Two years ago, in the ruins of the Old Slaughterhouse, we succeeded in organizing an unconventional event under the title SPICHRZOWA Gallery 2-8. On the devastated walls hung paintings, graphics and installations created by the Ostrów visual arts community, the whole was complemented by the etude "Świteź", which was performed by students of the Cultural Animation College in Kalisz. With this event we wanted to draw attention to the fate that befell the Old Slaughterhouse and, at least for a while, breathe life into its abandoned walls.

zmiana identyfikacji sklepu z dekoracjami

change of identification of the decoration store

© ArchiBUNT Association

Remigiusz: With our activities we have gathered around us a great many people who care about the aesthetics of the city. Together with Friends, we managed to dissuade the city authorities from implementing the misguided idea of a monument to Krzysztof Komeda, which was supposed to stand in front of a unique bank building from the pre-war modernism era. On the occasion of the protests, the idea of creating a Council of Culture, which could help the city authorities in matters concerning the aesthetics of the city, came up. We also want to talk about the need for a landscape resolution.

Victor: Thank you for the interview.

zmiana identyfikacji studia tańca

dance studio identity change

© ArchiBUNT Association

compiled by Wiktor Bochenek

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