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What's next for the Saxon Palace in Warsaw? Are we getting closer to an answer?

23 of January '24
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  1. The competition for the design of the reconstruction of the Saski Palace, the Brühl Palace and the townhouses on Królewska Street in Warsaw was won by the WXCA studio.
  2. The rebuilt Saski Palace is expected to be completed in 2030.
  3. Bartlomiej Sienkiewicz, Minister of Culture and National Heritage, spoke in favor of developing the space around the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
  4. 47 percent of Poles and 50 percent of Varsovians support the idea of rebuilding the Saski Palace.
  5. According to 2022 estimates, the reconstruction of the Saski Palace will cost PLN 2.45 billion.
  6. For more interesting information, visit the home page of the A&B portal.

The idea of restoring the historic edifices the Saxon Palace, the Brühl Palace and the townhouses on Królewska Street in Warsaw in their August 1939 form has been commented on for years. Its advocate, while still president of Warsaw, was Lech Kaczyński. In 2018, the desire to rebuild the palace was expressed by President Andrzej Duda, who signed a declaration on the restitution of the edifice, and three years later a law on the preparation and implementation of investments in the reconstruction of the Saxon Palace, the Brühl Palace and the tenements on Królewska Street in Warsaw.

projekt odbudowy Pałacu Saskiego, Pałacu Brühla oraz kamienic przy ulicy Królewskiej w Warszawie autorstwa pracowni WXCA

Project for reconstruction of Saxon Palace, Brühl Palace and tenement houses on Królewska Street in Warsaw by WXCA studio

© WXCA | illustrations courtesy of Pałac Saski

The architectural community reacted to the idea, with SARP representatives issuing a letter recommending that an architectural competition be held that would allow for other solutions for the development of the Warsaw square than mere reconstruction. After the tender for the architectural and urban planning competition was announced (and eventually cancelled due to a lack of bids) in the fall of 2022, the Saxon Palace company established cooperation with the Association of Polish Architects, and it was SARP that was entrusted with the task of conducting the two-stage competition. Its results were announced on October 12, 2023 — the winning proposal was that of the WXCA studio. According to the schedule, the commissioning of the edifices of the Saxon Palace, the Brühl Palace and the townhouses on the side of Królewska Street is to take place in 2030. The cost of the investment is estimated at PLN 2.45 billion.

projekt odbudowy Pałacu Saskiego, Pałacu Brühla oraz kamienic przy ulicy Królewskiej w Warszawie autorstwa pracowni WXCA

Project for the reconstruction of the Saski Palace, Brühl Palace and the tenements on Królewska Street in Warsaw by WXCA studio

© WXCA | illustrations provided courtesy of Pałac Saski

The outcome of the parliamentary elections that took place a few days later may have influenced the decision to rebuild, according to many. Appointed Minister of Culture and National Heritage in the new government, Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz made a mysterious announcement on January 19 on Platform X:

There has been a lot of noise about the Saxon Palace lately. It will get louder — stay tuned.

On that day, the company's previously three-person board of directors was dismissed — Jan Edmund Kowalski, Robert Cicirko and Robert Bernisz were replaced by Jan Zajączkowski — and the composition of the supervisory board changed — Robert Chmielarczyk, Michał Pelczarski and Rafał Wiśniewski were dismissed, and Aleksander Galos, Joanna Bęza-Bojanowska and Katarzyna Olesiak were appointed in their place. The decision, the Culture Minister stressed, was based on concern for the proper spending of public funds earmarked for the investment.

A few days later, in a morning conversation on TOK FM, Bartłomiej Sienkiewicz referred to the reconstruction plans and the current 2021 law:

This law requires the expenditure of enormous resources. [...] This torrent of money must somehow be used purposefully. If the company, with such gigantic resources at its disposal, has not been able to properly award the tender for securing the foundations after the archaeological digs for months, it means that there is something wrong [Michał Krasucki, the Capital's Historic Preservation Officer, recently pointed out onhis social media about the failure to properly secure the uncovered historic foundations of the Saxon and Brühl palaces and exposing the valuable relics to the weather — note. ed.]. [...] If this money is to go to this company, I have to be sure that it will go to the right purpose, and such a purpose is not the 180 thousand zloty bonus per president and the cost of maintaining the company itself as if it were one of the largest companies operating in Warsaw. [...] My task is to put this in order, and as long as the law is in force, it should be carried out.

projekt odbudowy Pałacu Saskiego, Pałacu Brühla oraz kamienic przy ulicy Królewskiej w Warszawie autorstwa pracowni WXCA

Project for the reconstruction of the Saxon Palace, the Brühl Palace and the townhouses on Królewska Street in Warsaw by the WXCA studio

© WXCA | illustrations provided courtesy of the Pałac Saski

The minister also stressed that the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier should have dignified surroundings.

There is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Piłsudski Square, which unites all Poles. This is the Altar of the Fatherland, the last great post-war wound of Warsaw. A scar that must be healed. [...] It cannot be that on one side of the Altar of the Fatherland there is a hotel with a casino, and on the other side — a business center. This is derogatory, symbolically derogatory. Therefore, this space must be built up. I am convinced of the need to heal this wound and to properly house the Altar of the Fatherland, and it seems to me that this conviction is not my individual one, but that of the majority of Poles — he added.

projekt odbudowy Pałacu Saskiego, Pałacu Brühla oraz kamienic przy ulicy Królewskiej w Warszawie autorstwa pracowni WXCA

Project for the reconstruction of the Saxon Palace, Brühl Palace and the townhouses on Królewska Street in Warsaw by WXCA studio

© WXCA | illustrations provided courtesy of the Pałac Saski

These words are confirmed by nationwide surveys conducted in recent years to discern public opinion on the palace's restoration. According to last December's survey, 47 percent of polled Poles were positive about the idea of reconstruction; the result is higher among Warsaw residents, reaching 50 percent.

elaborated: Ola Kloc

The vote has already been cast