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Patrycja Ropela – "The former resort in Poloniny. Architecture in anti-stress therapy"

23 of May '24
Technical data
Type: master's thesis
Year of defense: 2023

Patrycja Ropela

Wydział Architektury Politechniki Gdańskiej
Dr. Małgorzata Skrzypek-Łachińska

Work submitted for the competition
"Best Architecture Diploma"

The subject of the study is to investigate how architecture and the living environment affect mental health, with an emphasis on stressors. The project aims to create a place that promotes supportive methods in anti-stress therapy. It will take advantage of the potential of the abandoned palace complex in Poloniny and its historical roles related to the spa and horticultural school. It is located on the Elblag Plateau, with an impressive view of the Vistula Lagoon.

aksonometria i sylweta zachodnia

axonometry and western silhouette

© Patrycja Ropela

The architectural concept of the complex provides for three functions of the building. The complex includes an adapted palace, which contains a restaurant, an office area and accommodation for employees. The workshop building has been adapted for stress minimization activities, and the dormitory building is to provide accommodation for visitors to the complex. The entire complex has been located on a plot of land that is part of the historic spa.



© Patrycja Ropela

The land development project is based on available archival materials and knowledge of the original spatial layout of the complex. Great emphasis was placed on preserving the historical character of the area, which resulted in the following design steps:

  • expanded palace: the original mass and architectural character of the palace was preserved. The palace interiors were adapted to new functions, preserving the representative character. A new architectural form was added, connecting the two buildings with a connector;
  • workshop building: in place of the former garden first floor, a workshop building was designed in the slope. From the level of the palace you can access the roof, which has been transformed into a viewing terrace. This innovative solution connects the facilities while maintaining respect for the historic palace building;
  • accommodation building: the old outbuildings have been replaced with a new accommodation facility. This facility complements the complex, does not overwhelm the palace and maintains stylistic consistency;
  • the project takes into account the restoration of non-existent pedestrian routes and the creation of new ones that connect to the new facilities;
  • it is envisaged to recreate the former scenic-walking avenue allowing to admire the picturesque panorama of the Vistula Lagoon, as well as viewpoints along the avenue;
  • a footbridge has been designed over the dried-up ravine, which makes it possible to walk among the trees. Such a solution allows visitors to enjoy the charm of the surrounding nature;
  • the entrance to the complex remains unchanged;
  • at the end of the entrance road there is a courtyard, in accordance with the historical spatial layout;
  • the project also includes paved roads for access to the facilities and a parking lot a short distance from the accommodation.

przekroje i sylwety

sections and silhouettes

© Patrycja Ropela

During the formation of the new facilities, the guiding thought was to integrate them appropriately into the existing buildings, while creating architecture in line with the spirit of the times. The concept assumes that the main element of the complex is the historic palace, while the new buildings take on a modern form and are a background for history. The workshop building was designed below the palace, recessed into the slope so that it is not visible from the level of the monument. Its outline was integrated into the shape of the former garden first floor, lost when the school was in operation. The building has a simple, minimalist form, and the flat roof allows integration with the rest of the buildings through the terrace placed on it.

rzut i wizualizacje obiektu warsztatowego

projection and visualizations of the workshop facility

© Patrycja Ropela

The dormitory building is located on the same level as the palace building, but was treated as a secondary object in the whole complex. The color selection is consistent with the rest of the establishment, moreover, the building has been divided by a strip of glass, which emphasizes the presence of lush vegetation in its interior.

rzut pałacu, obiektu noclegowego

projection of the palace, accommodation facility

© Patrycja Ropela


Illustrations: © Author

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