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The latest line of premium radiators - Zehnder Studio Collection

07 of May '21

Zehnder's superior quality combined with Runtal's architecturally sophisticated radiator design - this is the new Zehnder Studio Collection.

Zehnder is launching its latest premium design line, the Zehnder Studio Collection, in early April.

© Zehnder

Architecture is in our genes

Runtal, founded in 1953 by engineer Egon Runté and architect Jürg Altherr, quickly made a name for itself on the Swiss market and was very popular with architects and interior designers. All thanks to its combination of innovative products and unique design.

In 1988, it was acquired by the Zehnder Group, which significantly strengthened the position of both brands as market leaders in Switzerland and other European countries. For many years they have been synonymous with cutting-edge technology, constant innovation, pioneering design, inexhaustible inventiveness and exceptional manufacturing expertise.

We are now witnessing the next stage of this story - there is the integration of Runtal brand products into the Zehnder portfolio and their sale under the name Zehnder Studio Collection. The heritage of the Runtal brand will continue with this premium design line offered by Zehnder to enter new markets and enable more customers to benefit from the unique design of its radiators.

© Zehnder

Everything from a single source

The integration of Runtal brand products into Zehnder's product range will provide customers with a wider choice and immediate and direct access to the most exclusive part of the offer. This integration simplifies the selection and purchasing process.

Further advantages include easier access to all information on the Zehnder brand products currently on offer, including the Zehnder Studio Collection, as well as the existence of a single contact and a single source of information, reducing the need to navigate between websites, price lists and brochures for data.

© Zehnder

New Studio Collection - "when form follows function"

The inclusion of premium radiators from Runtal perfectly complements Zehnder's offering. The Studio Collection is aimed primarily at architects, interior designers and people who appreciate designer products. This confirms Zehnder's position as a leading manufacturer of design radiators that successfully combines technical innovation with exclusive design.

As part of this combination, Zehnder has ensured that design remains at the center of all decisions. The name "Studio Collection" was chosen for Zehnder's exclusive design line to reflect its uniqueness, attention to detail and exclusivity. "Form follows function" is a principle associated with architecture of the late 19th and early 20th centuries and industrial design in general, which was formulated by architect Louis Sullivan. The idea behind the slogan of the new collection "when form follows function" is that the advanced technology and highest quality standards of Zehnder's attractive and well-established design features have been enhanced by a range of products in which innovative designs and technologies play a key role. Together they form a strong bond that allows the Zehnder brand to look to the future with strength and confidence.

For more information, visit the company's Zehnder Polska Sp. z o.o. page on the A&B portal.

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