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Summer at the museum - learn the urban secrets of Krakow

09 of July '20

The Krakow Museum has prepared a full range of meetings, walks and workshops for children and adults to take part in during the vacations. The plans include a post-apocalyptic walk around the Kombinat, a story about the decoration of Krakow tenements and the history of New and Old Kleparz.

let your imagination run wild. A post-apocalyptic walk in the Kombinat neighborhood

The abandoned, post-industrial buildings around the Nowa Huta metallurgical combine resemble the set of many a science fiction movie. How about moving into the alternative world of the "zona" described by the Strugatsky brothers in "Picnic on the Edge of the Road" or into the world of "Stalker" directed by Andrei Tarkovsky? Participants will face tasks that require creativity. During the walk, participants will try to take on the role of "stalkers" and create an alternative story about the places visited. The walk will take place on August 1 at 14:30 in front of the Museum of Nowa Huta.

different ways of the renaissance - ornamental details of krakow's townhouses and churches

Renaissance Krakow is commonly associated with the reconstruction of the Wawel Castle and the erection of the Sigismund Chapel - royal investments. Lacking in the popular perception of this era is the place of the Cracow bourgeoisie, for whom, in the early 16th century, the art of German and Dutch cities of the time was much more attractive. Wider changes in urban aesthetics appeared over time, when merchants coming from Italy settled in the city more frequently.

During the walk, it will be possible to observe changes in the architectural decoration of tenement houses and in the aesthetics of epitaphs placed on the facades of St. Mary's or St. Barbara's churches, most fully reflecting the artistic tastes of Krakow's residents at the time. The walk will take place on July 12 at 12:00 in front of the Hipolit Tenement House.

Between Old and New Kleparz - between the sublimity of the edifices and the fantasy of the stonemason

Kleparz became, over the course of the 19th and early 20th centuries, a district of Krakow rapidly developing around the market square and the representative space of today's Jan Matejko Square, where the edifice of the Academy of Fine Arts and other public buildings were erected. Numerous townhouses with interesting decorative details were built in the nearby streets, allowing to trace various aesthetics and artistic currents fashionable in the architecture of the 19th century.

Participants of the walk will discover the richness of stucco and sgraffito decorations adorning Klepar tenements, find out why a tenement house on D³uga Street is crowned with a minaret, and what building inspired the Helclas family, who founded the characteristic edifice near Nowy Kleparz. The walk will take place on August 23 at 12:00 in front of the Hipolit Tenement House.

Registration and details on the website of the Museum of Krakow.

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