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ADE. A nationwide platform for architectural education has been launched

22 of April '21

Together with the National Institute of Architecture and Urbanism, we invite you to use the first nationwide architectural education platform ADE. Together, let's create an environment for sharing experiences, gaining competence and knowledge online!

The National Institute of Architecture and Urban Planning, as a leader of action for universal architectural education, has developed and created an online education platform aimed at a wide audience. The purpose of the platform dedicated to the fields of architecture and urbanism is to work for universal architect ural education - networking, professionalization, popularization and creation of space for online education.

what is architectural education?

It is education about the built space and its relationship with the environment also known asspatial or environmental education. Its purpose is to build identity and responsibility for the immediate environment, to create awareness of the material culture and architectural heritage of the region, the country, and to popularize knowledge about space, the city and architecture. General architectural or spatial education is a variety of activities - courses, workshops, lectures, educational programs carried out both in formal and informal education. What they have in common is not only the subject matter, but also the interdisciplinary nature and the combination of practical challenges and theoretical knowledge.

Platforma edukacji

ADE platform

The platform will feature various types of popularized, specialized and educational content tailored to different audiences, which for communication purposes have been named City, School, Home. It will be possible to read about architecture and urban space, listen to it, watch it, as well as look at it through the eyes of a designer.

map of architectural education

NIAiU is creating a nationwide database of people and institutions active in the field of architectural education, formal and informal, in the form of a map. This map is a tool aimed at both professionals and cultural audiences, and it can be used in two ways. As an educator or representative of an institution or organization, you can join it by submitting an application form. You can also browse the map, learn about other projects, establish cooperation through it, or reach out to educational events in your immediate area.

Show up, get to know, inspire and network with others. Come in and learn more at ADE.

elaborated: Dobrawa Bies

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