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Dorota Bielawska
Born in 1976. Graduate of Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw and Film Art at the University of Paris 8. Until 2005 in Poland, editor in a magazine specializing in interior design. She has lived in France for fifteen years, where she continues her profession as a journalist as a correspondent for Poland and is involved in filmmaking. She is co-creating a film that accompanies an art project in progress in France, Italy and Poland, dealing with the theme of contemporary landscape. She has written articles for A&B about architecture and socially engaged contemporary art. She spends her free time cycling or hiking in Paris and in Normandy, in the countryside, among friends active in ecology.
Architektura & Biznes – articles

"Stockopolis", or a city made of warehouse racks, tarpaulins and scaffolding - a conversation with Hélène Cascaro and Mathieu Lamour
Being a female architect is more complicated than being a male architect - an interview with Anne Labroille