First Prize — Krzysztof Makowski Architekt, Łukasz Mużacz Architekt

First Prize

I Prize
40 thousand PLN gross
and an invitation to negotiate a sole-source contract for the execution of
comprehensive documentation on the basis of the competition work

Krzysztof Makowski Architect, Łukasz Mużacz Architect

composition of the author team
Renata Makowska, Krzysztof Makowski, Łukasz Mużacz

Jury Opinion
The award was given in recognition of the proposed spatial solution and connection
of the designed sports hall with the existing school building. The connection of the new volume with the old
takes place at the underground level and above ground level, providing access from the school to the roof of the
of the designed hall. On this roof, recreational and public functions are proposed that will enrich the
utility program not only for the school, but also open to the entire Miechow community. The concept of the new
building has been created in a rational manner, and the whole intention takes into account the planned
costs of the project. Easy access to the various elements of the program has been provided
functional program for different groups of users. The adopted spatial solutions are conducive to the realization
passive building.

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