Special Award of the New UAP Foundation — Weronika Sabok-Rzepka

Special Award of the New UAP Foundation

Special Prize of the New UAP Foundation

Weronika Sabok-Rzepka


"Tomorrow Stays. Design of a housing unit for temporary workers and migrant families".

Dr. Tomasz Piwiński, ad.

author's description

The aim of the thesis is to create an architectural and urban design concept for a housing estate for migrants in Poznan, who come to the city mainly for work or to escape war, persecution and other difficult situations in their country. The result of the thesis is a space that meets the various needs of foreigners, such as security, privacy, accessibility to services and transportation, and integration into local society. The project aims to promote integration between immigrants and the local community. The area between the buildings was designed as a vibrant space that promotes social interaction.

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