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Photovoltaic facade from SunRoof - this is what the green architecture of the future will look like

10 of March '22

Following the success of 2-in-1 solar roofs in the Polish construction market, SunRoof unveiled a new multifunctional solution from its ecosystem - a photovoltaic facade. It combined what is most important for the modern investor: its own source of green energy, exceptional durability and eye-pleasing aesthetics.

SunRoof is an innovative startup that, by using today's most efficient solar technology and integrating photovoltaic cells into the building's architecture, has achieved an excellent visual effect and maximized the functionality and safety of PV installations. The photovoltaic facade is another proposal for the company's customers to create comfortable, energy-efficient and climate-friendly homes.

Our technology creates new conditions for the development of sustainable, stylish architecture. I am convinced that it is only a matter of a few years when solutions integrated with photovoltaics will replace traditional roofs and facades. Constantly rising electricity bills make the investment in solar energy profitable and will remain so.

- says Jaroslaw Wyrzykowski, Head of Sales at SunRoof

2-in-1 technology - more durable and impressive

Aphotovoltaic facade turned a single-family house in Lodz into a private "green power plant." The building already had a flat roof, so had it not been for the possibility of a facade integrated with solar cells, the property owner would have faced a difficult choice between the practical and cost-effective and the glamorous.

The SunRoof system not only plays the role of a traditional facade, but also converts the sun's rays into electricity. It uses glass-glass monocrystalline module technology, which ensures high durability and total resistance to adverse external factors.

Ecology and savings

As the investor points out, he was prompted to install a photovoltaic facade primarily by the savings that can be achieved by switching to clean energy. This 2-in-1 solution with a capacity of 6,825 kWp will generate 6,490 kWh of free electricity per year and will significantly reduce the cost of heating the building, powering appliances or charging an electric car.

I am a fan of electromobility. I enjoy all the blessings of electric and hybrid cars. I make no secret of the fact that this was the driving force behind getting this facade up and running quickly

- says investor Tomasz Tomczak

However, benefits for the household budget are not everything. The ecological aspect is also a great advantage. The photovoltaic facade reduces 5,270 kg ofCO2 per year and, together with environmental concerns, will provide the property owner with great energy independence.

In addition to economic considerations, which are not insignificant in this day and age, I'm happy to have such a renewable energy source to support efforts for ecology and healthy air for us and our loved ones

- Tomasz Tomczak adds

In addition, with the application provided by SunRoof, one can manage energy more efficiently, monitor power consumption more closely and plan how to use it.

Press materials SunRoof Technology Sp. z o.o.

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