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Results of Europan 15 competition

17 of January '20

In December we announced the winners of the 15th edition of the Europan Competition for Architects and Urban Planners - Europan, aimed at designers under the age of 40. Participants in the competition, considered a laboratory of spatial ideas, focused on the issue of ecological transformation in relation to the vision of the city of the future.

Participants in the competition had fifty locations to choose from, in Poland it was the area of the Warsaw Steelworks, which was developed by eight teams. Of the works prepared, the local jury selected four, which were then evaluated by an international jury. The first prize went to Ada Jaskowiec and Michal Strupinski (the Netherlands) for their work "Feedback Placemaking", the second prize went to a team consisting of: Edyta Nieciecka, Stanislaw Tomaszewski and Michal Niemyjski (Warsaw) for their work "NEW neighbourHUT", and honorable mention went to Michal Purski and Inez Wawszczyk (Kielce) for their work "Volcano". Congratulations!

1st place

As we read in the justification for the award, the project is the best response to the multidimensional and complex challenge that faced the participants creating works for the Warsaw area. The authors of the project proposed a rich set of solutions, responding to the needs arising from local conditions. The young designers proposed for the designated area a well-thought-out development process that allows for experimentation and modification. The jury also considered as a strong point of the project the emphasis on the importance of the existing elements of the competition area.

1. miejsce, „Feedback Placemaking”, proj.: Ada Jaśkowiec i Michał Strupiński 1.
miejsce, „Feedback Placemaking”, proj.: Ada Jaśkowiec i Michał Strupiński

1st place, "Feedback Placemaking", proj.: Ada Jaskowiec and Michal Strupinski

© Ada Jaskowiec, Michal Strupinski

2nd place

As we read in the justification of the jury, the project proposed a clear spatial structure, as well as certain dependencies between the elements forming it. The jury appreciated the establishment of the function of the buffer zone and the system of adjacent areas integrated into a network of green belts, as well as the proposal for the development of railroad sidings, an intermodal node and a tramway loop.

2. miejsce, „NEW neighbourHUT”, proj.: Edyta Nieciecka, Stanisław Tomaszewski, Michał Niemyjski 2.
miejsce, „NEW neighbourHUT”, proj.: Edyta Nieciecka, Stanisław Tomaszewski, Michał Niemyjski

2nd place, "NEW neighbourHUT", proj.: Edyta Nieciecka, Stanislaw Tomaszewski, Michal Niemyjski

© Edyta Nieciecka, Stanisław Tomaszewski, Michał Niemyjski


As we read in the justification of the jury, the "Volcano" project was appreciated for the vision of conceptual transformation it presented.

The proposal in question was perceived not so much as a realistic programming proposal, showing the hypothetical and delicate orientation of the zones, but as a critical manifesto on the potential of the competition area, enriched by a rather avant-garde and provocative graphic design, which attracted attention and provoked a lively discussion among the chapter members.

Wyróżnienie, „Volcano”, proj.: Michał Purski i Inez Wawszczyk Wyróżnienie, „Volcano”, proj.: Michał Purski i Inez Wawszczyk

Honorable mention, "Volcano", proj.: Michal Purski and Inez Wawszczyk

© Michal Purski, Inez Wawszczyk

In the fifteenth edition of the Europan 15 international competition, the jury awarded one hundred and thirty-six teams with forty-four first prizes, forty-seven second prizes and forty-five special mentions.


Illustrations courtesy of the Office of Architecture and Spatial Planning of the City of Warsaw

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