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Bartosz Haduch
Bartosz Haduch - architect, publicist, university teacher, founder of the NArchitekTURA studio, is also a collector as well as a publisher and book designer. His bibliography includes the guidebook "Architectourism 01_Spain" (prepared together with his brother Michal Haduch in 2012) and the publication "Herzog & de Meuron. Architects (and) Artists" (2013) based on his own doctorate.
Last year, he also served as guest editor of A&B's special holiday issue "NArchitekTURA - Ar(t)chitektura," which was honored by our readers with the award for best cover of 2019. In the fall of 2020, he plans to publish a new monograph on Jean Nouvel, which has been in the making for more than half a decade and is illustrated with photo sessions of nearly 50 realizations made by the author in Europe, Asia and North America. He shares with us a list of his ten favorite books published in recent years.