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Förderpreis Concrete Award Central Europe: CEMEX announces the launch of the 20th edition of the prestigious competition

01 of March '22

CEMEX organizes the 20th edition of the prestigious Förderpreis Beton Award Central Europe competition

Until April 30, 2022, entries can be submitted for the international Förderpreis Concrete Award, organized by CEMEX. The goal of the competition is to seek innovative solutions that will influence the development of concrete technology. The 20th anniversary edition is also the second edition of the competition, which is open not only to academics and representatives of the construction industry from Germany, but also for the second time from Poland and the Czech Republic. The winner of the competition will receive a financial prize of €10,000

The Förderpreis Concon Central Europe is a prestigious award that has been presented by CEMEX in Germany since 1982. Through the award, CEMEX promotes the development of the production, processing and application of concrete and concrete structures. For the second time, scientists and researchers from Poland and the Czech Republic will also be eligible to apply.
The competition is open to both experts employed by construction companies - as well as scientists representing institutes or universities. Competition projects should be about solutions that can provide construction materials with better properties in terms of quality, cost-effectiveness or environmental impact, concrete technology and concrete structures.
Candidates' entries will be evaluated by an independent international jury consisting of scientists specializing in building materials technology.
The winner of this year's edition will be announced in June 2022.

"The construction industry faces many challenges, which is why it is becoming so important to search for and popularize good practices and innovative solutions on an international scale. During the last edition of the competition, we proved that we have created an excellent space to strengthen cooperation between scientists and experts in the building materials industry not only in Germany anymore, but also in Central Europe. I am convinced that in the coming years, the level of competition entries will be even higher than before, to the benefit of the construction industry and our customers and partners. Through innovation, our industry will be well prepared to meet all current and future requirements to help societies achieve a sustainable transformation," said Ruediger Kuhn, Vice President of the Materials Division in Central Europe at CEMEX.

Conditions for participation in the competition

Scientific papers (master's or doctoral) that are at most two years old and have been published in scientific journals may be submitted to the competition.
Competition materials should be submitted in the local language (Polish, Czech, German) or English. Each participant should provide the organizers with his or her curriculum vitae , the submitted scientific paper, an abstract (10 to 20 pages in A4 format) and a written presentation of the potential applications of the idea presented in the paper. The jury will evaluate whether and to what extent the described implementation concept reflects the profile of CEMEX products and services.
Excluded from participation in the competition are scientific papers or articles whose co-authors are professors at polytechnics, universities or state vocational colleges.

Contest results and prizes

The winner of the competition will be announced in June 2022. The winner will be able to present his or her work and implementation concept at scientific and technical events organized by CEMEX.
The winner will receive a prize of EUR 10,000. In exceptional cases, the organizer reserves the right to divide the prize between two winners.

Competition Jury

The jury will be chaired by Dr. Ing. Rolf Breitenbücher, Prof. of Ruhr-Universität in Bochum, Germany. Jury members are also: prof. dr. inż. Jan Deja, AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Poland | doc. inż. Karel Dvořák, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic | prof. h.c. dr. inż. Christoph Gehlen, prof. of the university of Munich University of Technology, Germany | prof. dr. inż. Maria Kaszyńska, West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, Poland | Prof. Dr.-Ing . Horst Michael Ludwig, Bauhaus University of Weimar, Germany | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Viktor Mechtcherine, Prof. of the university of Dresden Technical University, Germany | Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Raupach, RWTH University of Aachen, Germany.

For more information, visit the company 'sCEMEX Polska Sp. z o.o. page on theAiB portal.

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