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Railroad Park in Krakow project of the Board of Urban Greenery

04 of June '20

Work on the modernization of the E30 railroad line between Kraków Głównyand Rudzice has been underway in Kraków since 2016. New railroad stations are being built near the Market Hall in Grzegórzki, Zabłocie and Podgórze, among others. As a result of a lengthy process to ensure that the concrete structures of the flyover do not shine empty, the Railway Park project was created.

Zarząd Zieleni Miejskiej is responsible for the park's concept. The project includes the development of the area from Mikołaja Kopernika Street to Powstańców Wielkopolskich Street. The concept prepared by ZZM was created as a result of public consultations with the residents of Krakow and includes all the postulates indicated by them.

Green Railway Park under the flyovers

The Railway Park will be a new place intended for recreation and leisure. It will include playgrounds, gardens with small architecture, green gyms, a skate park and sports fields. In addition, a bicycle path will be built to connect the city center with the Vistula Boulevards. ZZM also plans to improve communication between the Old Town and Grzegórzki, which have so far been separated by an embankment.

Park Kolejowy w Krakowie - Pogórze, Grzegórzki, Zabłocie

About 200 trees, about 47,000 shrubs, about 22,000 perennials and about 1,160 square meters of flower meadow will be planted.

© ZZM press materials

The division into functional zones was worked out together with residents during public consultations. Taking into account the demands of Kraków residents, ZZM decided to maximize green areas by planting trees, shrubs, ornamental grasses and perennials. This is also possible due to the considerable sunlight in these areas. Such a decision is welcome, all the more so because during construction many smaller trees and shrubs that overgrew the embankments on Morsztynowska Street, among others, were removed. There are relatively few green areas in this area and in the city center in general.

About 200 trees, about 47,000 shrubs, about 22,000 perennials and about 1160 square meters of flower meadow will be planted along the route from Mikołaja Kopernika Street to Powstańców Wielkopolskich Street . ZZM is already preparing an appropriate irrigation system for the plants to ensure optimal conditions for their growth and development.

original development plans

Although the amount of planned greenery is gratifying, the whole process of developing the area is puzzling. Initial plans called for, among other things, the construction of a parking lot under the overpass on Blich Street. Fortunately, this idea will probably not be implemented. Later, as we wrote at the beginning of this year. What will the area under the railroad flyovers in Krakow look like? an architectural and urbanplanning competition was organized to develop a concept for the development of new spaces. This was followed by consultations with residents.

Park Kolejowy ZZM w Krakowie

There will be playgrounds, gardens with small architecture, green gyms, a skate park and sports fields, among others

© ZZM press materials

However, the City of Krakow's plans had to change, as PKP objected to the development of the area under the flyover. As Monika Arczynska of A2P2 Architecture & Planning told A&B editor Ola Kloc in an interview:

The most important thing for the development of the area is an agreement between the city and PKP on how to make the land under the flyover available and manage it.

Negotiations between the City of Krakow and PKP on the terms of development of the area are still ongoing. Perhaps it was worth starting there? The area arouses a lot of emotions among residents - it is, after all, located in the very center of the city. Two scenarios are likely: either it will become a place for active leisure, or a dead spot and a wasted opportunity for something interesting and serving the residents to be created in this part of the city. What will happen - time will tell!

elaborated. ed.

The vote has already been cast