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The most important book on architecture? Neufert's "Design Handbook." 10 questions for Zbigniew Reszka

04 of June '20

"10 Questions to..." is a series of short conversations with architects and female architects, to whom we address the same pool of questions. In today's installment of the mini-interview, Zbigniew Reszka of the Arch-Decostudio in Gdynia answers our questions.

Zbigniew Reszka - a graduate of the Gdansk University of Technology at the Faculty of Architecture. Long-time member and active member of the Association of Polish Architects and the Pomeranian Chamber of Architects. Since 1989, together with Michał Baryżewski, he has run the Arch-Deco architectural office in Gdynia, responsible, among other things, for the design of the building of the Gdynia Film School or the apartment complex in Jurata, for which the studio was nominated for the prestigious Mies van der Rohe Award. In 2013, the architect duo received the Honorary Award of the Association of Polish Architects SARP.

1. architecture in three words...?

a. Genius loci.
b. Form.
c. Nature.

2. The three most important buildings for you...?

a. The ZUS office building in Gdynia on 10 February Street, the so-called PLO building (1934) - architect Roman Piotrowski.
b. My Home in Gdynia, which I have lived in for 15 years - because it feels the best, drowning in greenery and at the same time being in the center of the city.
c. The Louvre in Abu Dhabi - architect Jean Nouvel.

3. the most important book on architecture...?

Neufert's "Handbook of Design."

4. most inspiring city and why...?

Paris - because of the city's urban planning, its architecture, public spaces and boldness in design. It is always a step ahead, setting new trends.

5. architect with whom you would like to design something and why...?

Dominique Perrault. I have seen many of his projects and each of them has impressed me greatly. His designs are custom and timeless.

6. hand-drawing or computer drawing?

Exclusively hand-drawn, because it is the fastest way to transfer thoughts to a piece of paper.

7. mockup or 3D model?

Mock-up definitely valued more, although looking for quick effect and susceptibility to modification also 3D model, 3D printing and all new technologies.

8. modernism or postmodernism?

Definitely modernism.

9. working after hours or sports?

I often work after hours, but my other passions are playing golf and skiing.

10. architecture or business?

Two in one.

If you have suggestions for questions you would like us to ask, or people of architects whose answers to these questions you would like to know - let us know in the comments.

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