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No architecture without business. 10 questions for Michal Baryżewski of Arch-Deco studio.

04 of June '20

"10 Questions to..." is a series of short interviews with architects and female architects, to whom we address the same pool of questions. In today's installment of the mini-interview, Michał Baryżewski of the Arch-Decostudio in Gdynia answers our questions.

Michał Baryżewski is an architect, a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk, majoring in Interior Design, and a Fulbright Foundation scholar at California State University in Long Beach. Since 1989, together with Zbigniew Reszka, he has run the Arch-Deco architectural office in Gdynia, responsible, among other things, for the design of the Gdynia Film School building or the apartment complex in Jurata, for which the studio was nominated for the prestigious Mies van der Rohe Award. In 2013, the architect duo received the Honorary Award of the Association of Polish Architects SARP.

1. architecture in three words...?

a. Usability.
b. Impact on the environment.
c. Design.

2. The three most important buildings to you...?

a. Bauhaus building - Walter Gropius.
b. Seagram Building - Mies van der Rohe.
c. Corbusier House - Le Corbusier.

3. the most important book on architecture...?

Vitruvius and his books on architecture.

4. most inspiring city and why...?

New York - because of the large accumulation of icons of modern architecture and a completely different dimension of city life.

5. architect with whom you would like to design something and why...?

Do I have to? That would be a pretentious wish....

6. hand drawing or computer drawing?

I can draw well, but the world is now computerized.

7. mockup or 3D model?

3D model is now a great working tool and more and more can do, it gives the opportunity to work spatially with immediate effect.

8. modernism or postmodernism?

Definitely modernism, but I also experienced the craze of postmodernism in the 1980s in the US.

9. working after hours or sports?

Sports - it relaxes me, gives me health and strength.

10. architecture or business?

There is no architecture without business. Our work is based on the client and money for implementation - this has always been the case and will continue to be the case.

If you have suggestions for questions you would like us to ask or people of architects whose answers to these questions you want to know - let us know in the comments.

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