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How to design a home garden? A series of webinars for architects, landscape architects and garden designers.

04 of June '20

"Garden Is Also Home" is landscape architect Wojciech Januszczyk's original idea of how to use home gardens as functional and equal spaces with interiors. How to design a garden that is not only functional, but also beautiful? What technical solutions to use to create an accessible space where the user will feel like... at home?

The Landscapes Foundation invites you to a series of four meetings devoted to the design of home gardens. The first of these, to be held on Tuesday, June 9 at 11am, will focus on the idea and technlogy in the service of function, the next will address habits in landscape architects, garden designers and investors, design mistakes when creating home gard ens, and the quest for zero-energy gardens, reducing carbon footprints and other environmentally useful solutions.

More information can be found here. Registration is possible via an online form.

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