Representative for Poland of the companies: ARCANA Cerámica, REALONDA Ceramica, EQUIPE Ceramicas & TAU Cerámica.


Arcana Ceramica

Arcana Ceramica is a Spanish brand that has been successfully conquering the Polish market for several years. Internationally, it is distinguished by the use of original solutions, striking design and the use of the latest technologies to ensure excellent quality. The brand's products conform to the tenets of sophisticated minimalism, that is, they are economical in form, but uniquely decorated and perfectly finished.

Arcana Ceramica brand products

Arcana Ceramica is primarily decorative tiles for lining floors and walls. Among the most popular collections is a contemporary interpretation of classic terrazzo - the Stracciatella series, i.e. large format tiles with subdued patterns or uncommonly decorated with colorful inlays. The brand's range is successfully complemented by the Ribe model - tiles combining imitation of raw natural stone with marble inlays in the terazzo style, as well as the luxurious Elburg available in matte or lapatto versions.

Technologies used

The Spanish manufacturer is keen on modern technologies, designing its tiles in line with the expectations of modern investors. It pays particular attention to the quality, aesthetics, as well as innovation of its products. This makes it boldly and successfully promote its own interior trends for years, allowing to achieve a harmonious approximation to nature.

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