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"The work of an architect requires calm and time." Matthew Kuo Stolarski in the series #the architect profession

05 of August '20

What does it mean to be an architect today? What are the conditions for practicing this profession? In the series "The Profession of Architect" we address these two questions to Polish architects and female architects, and illustrate their statements with unrealized office projects. In the next installment of the series, Mateusz Kuo Stolarski of Tamizo Architects talks about the profession of an architect.

Mateusz Kuo Stolarski

Mateusz Kuo Stolarski

© Tamizo Architects

1 What does it mean to be an architect today?

To be an architect is to be responsible for the quality of the space around us. It is the knowledge, sensitivity, experience or, ultimately, the ability of architects that significantly affects the lives of all of us. The quality of the work done by an architect affects our mood, comfort, safety, success, social standing, finances and much more.

This responsibility is also great because the duration of existence and impact of the result of an architect's work is usually longer than the life of its author.

2 What are the conditions for practicing the architectural profession?

Inadequate to the rank of the profession and the responsibility it carries. The rank of the architectural profession and its perception in our country is currently at a very low level. Unfortunately, we architects are largely to blame for this situation. Years of undercutting standards and rates for the work we do, succumbing to pressure from many sectors of society have largely contributed to this situation. The work of an architect requires calm and time, only then is there a chance for the best results. The rush resulting from excessive responsibilities with little time results in the undermining of the quality of the architect's work, and thus the quality of the space that surrounds us. All of us, not just architects, should be aware of this.


Tamizo Architects

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