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Film Thursdays at the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw

15 of April '20

The Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw invites you to film Thursdays from under the sign of Polish art as part of the "MSN Cinema" series. This week you can see Wilhelm Sasnal's latest film entitled: "Chrust."

Wilhelm Sasnal 's film "Chrust" will be shown on April 16, 2020, at 7pm, on the Museum of Modern Art's YouTube channel. Thus, it will initiate a series of premiere screenings of works by Polish artists. These are films made recently, representing the most recent acquisitions of the Museum's Filmotheque.

Wilhelm Sasnal's latest film "Chrust" from 2019 tells the story of a man and a woman living in isolation from the world, in relationship with nature and the cosmos, creating their private theater of the absurd. The convention of the cosmogonic tale of the daughter of the moon is here subordinated to the construction of the private mythology of the artist's family, which Sasnal has been creating in his films of the "own cinema" trend since the beginning of his work. Sasnal's cinematic language is steeped in references to the basic figures of painting: still life, portrait and landscape, broken by a performance full of humor and warmth.

The next installments of the series will also present films by Wojciech Bąkowski, Artur Żmijewski, Jana Shostak and Jakub Jasiukiewicz, as well as Oskar Dawicki.

compiled by: ed.

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