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Swimming pool in Piaseczno - prizes distributed

29 of May '20

First prize in the competition to develop an architectural concept for an indoor swimming pool in Piaseczno went to Maciej Poplawski . The jury also selected second and third places and honorable mentions from among the 22 works submitted for the competition. See the awarded projects.

The first architectural competition in Piaseczno's history consisted of a study of the 2.5 hectare site at Chyliczkowska Street, between the Perełka Canal and the Jeziorka River in the eastern part of Piaseczno, which was designated for sports and recreational functions, as indicated in the regulations.

I miejsce za projekt
basenu w Piasecznie

winning project

© Maciej Poplawski

I place - swimming pool in the park

Thejury, chaired by Ewa Kuryłowicz and composed of: Maciej Kurylowicz and Malgorzata Mirecka from SARP, as well as representatives of the city hall - Kinga Socha from the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture, Robert Widz the deputy mayor, Anna Pakulinska-Attia the head of the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture and Sylwia Horabik, deputy head of the Department of Investment, awarded first place to the project by Maciej Poplawski. You can read about the winning project and the jury's reasoning here.

Second place - minimalist pool and play of light

II miejsce za projekt
basenu w Piasecznie

second prize

© Tomasz Marciniewicz, Zuzanna Szpocińska,
Jerzy Grochulski, Ewelina Czerwińska

Second place went to the project by Tomasz Marciniewicz, Zuzanna Szpocińska, Jerzy Grochulski, Ewelina Czerwińska. The designers received a prize of 25 thousand zlotys.

As we read in the justification of the jury:

In the design of the study part, attention is drawn to the proper inclusion of various sports and recreational, leisure and educational functions in the surrounding landscape, with a clear separation of the zone of interconnected off-road sports facilities. In the implementation part - highlighted and interestingly organized zone of the entrance to the building. The building itself aptly defines the meaning and style of the new sports building in Piaseczno, although its scale is questionable. Modesty and simplicity of the materials and form used, the use of wood as a finishing material for the facade and interiors results in a building favorable to users, pleasant to look at and encouraging relaxation, but also active spending of time. The proposed solutions allow to expect a beautiful play of light in the interiors of varying heights, adapted to the different functional program.

However, the jury's doubts were raised by the lack of independent use of the sauna area, long access to it and crossing movements.

Third place - intimate spaces of the public swimming pool

III miejsce
w konkursie na projekt basenu w Piasecznie

The work that received the third prize

© Jarosław Kozikowski, Adrian Kozikowski,
Michał Bala, Bartosz Bochyński

The third prize went to the team of Jaroslaw Kozikowski, Adrian Kozikowski, Michal Bala, Bartosz Bochyinski. The authors also received a cash prize of 20 thousand zlotys. The work won the jury's appreciation for the not trivial shaping of the building's body and the consistent use of materials forming both its facades and individual interiors. The masses are clearly linked to the spatial arrangement of the interiors.

The Competition Jury justified its decision this way:

The work is distinguished by the building's distinctive carving. Each of the blocks forming it contains one of the functions of the pool which gives a sense of intimacy both in each interior and in the scope of the entire building. The building is a clear and appropriate response to the difficult context of the site, nevertheless, the Court feels that it is located too close to Mazurska Street, and the corner from Mazurska and Chyliczkowska Streets is also inappropriately accentuated. [...]

The complicated solid solution, however, entailed some limitations: among others, too small saunarium zone, restrictions on accessibility for the disabled, among others, to the first floor of the grandstand.

On the next page we present the awarded works.


The vote has already been cast