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3 questions for Maciej Araszkiewicz, president of the Slupsk branch of SARP

15 of July '20

In the next installment of our series of conversations with the presidents and presidents of the Association of Polish Architects about why it is worthwhile to be a member of SARP, we talk with the president of the Slupsk branch, Maciej Araszkiewicz.

SARP Slupsk Branch

Maciej Araszkiewicz, prezes oddziału SARP w Słupsku

Maciej Araszkiewicz
President of the SARP Branch in Slupsk

© SARP Slupsk Branch

A&B: What program of activities of the SARP branch do you assume for the nearest future? Are there any changes planned?

Maciej Araszkiewicz: The Board of the Slupsk Branch of the Society of Polish Architects does not foresee major changes in activities, on the contrary, during the election meeting the members postulated the continuation of activities carried out by the Board of the previous term. On the other hand, I set myself the additional goal of strengthening cooperation between branches and promoting SARP in the region. Since we are a small branch, operating in an area without a university teaching architecture, I will try to help young architects, deciding to come and operate in the area of the western part of the Pomeranian Voivodeship, to make contacts and join SARP.

A&B: How many members are there in the branch and how much are the dues?

Maciej Araszkiewicz: Currently, the Slupsk branch of SARP has 63 members, and the dues are set at PLN 10/month.

A&B: Why is it important to be a member of SARP?

Maciej Araszkiewicz: SARP is an organization for architects of all ages. I remember that when (right after college) I started my adventure with design, attending meetings of the SARP in Slupsk allowed me to acquire knowledge about the functioning of offices and offices in the region in an easy and pleasant way, as well as to gain contacts, thanks to which I could count on both employment and assistance in my work, and even gaining orders. For an experienced designer, this is an irreplaceable field for the exchange of experiences and a great support in professional work (we often invite companies to the meetings, which present us with technical innovations from the world of architecture). In turn, those most experienced members often look for contacts with the younger generation to share their experience or find support in the form of a smooth-talking assistant or even an employee in the latest technology.

The Association of Polish Architects is first and foremost a group of people united by a passion - a love of architecture. Creating the world around us, without discussion, getting to know the opinions of others, is a dictatorship. If you want to promote your work or look for your style, you need a platform for discussion. This is what the Internet will not give us. The association is supposed to give us the opportunity for a direct exchange of experiences between people gripped by the same passion, people who have a common goal - the highest quality of the space around us.

For more information, visit SARP Oddział Słupsk on our website.

The vote has already been cast