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3 questions for Piotr Sobocinski, president of the Toronto branch of SARP

09 of March '20

In the next installment of our series of conversations with new presidents and presidents of the Association of Polish Architects about why it is worthwhile to be a member of SARP, we talk with Piotr Sobocinski, president of the Toruń branch.

SARP Branch of Toruń

Piotr Sobocinski
president of the SARP Branch in Toruń

© SARP Branch of Toruń

A&B: What program of activities of the SARP branch do you envision for the near future? Are there any changes planned?

Piotr Sobocinski: In the near future, I would like to focus primarily on activities that promote both architecture and the Association itself in our city. Unfortunately, SARP is not as widely recognized a "brand" in and around Toruń as we would like it to be. Thus, we will try to encourage young architects to join our ranks, showing them both the possibilities of acting to promote architecture through SARP, and the possibilities of developing their own career path through contact with other architects, assistance, sharing experience.
A big change for us is the change of headquarters, we are now located in a tower in the historic walls on the border of the Old Town, overlooking the Vistula River. It's a place that mobilizes to create a space for discussions about architecture, small exhibitions, film screenings, or just purely social gatherings.

A&B: How many members are there in the branch and how much are the dues?

Piotr Sobocinski: The Torun branch has about 60 members, the amount of the monthly fee is 20 PLN.

A&B: Why is it important to be a member of SARP?

Piotr Sobocinski: I always say that it is a mistake to ask the question "what will SARP give me". Association makes sense only if we feel that we can give of ourselves to others at least as much as we want to expect in return, and often much more.
The strength of SARP, in my opinion, is first and foremost the people. Architects, within a single professional group, are after all different. However, I think that those belonging to the Association, are characterized by a similar sensitivity to the space that surrounds us, a similar love of good architecture. Looking at our profession not only through the prism of regulations, permits, economics, but, above all, through an unflagging interest in creativity, openness to conversation, criticism, exchange of experience. On top of all this, understanding the importance of good contact, mutual respect and trust.

For more information, visit SARP Oddział Toruń on our website.

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