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3 questions for Pawel Orlowski, president of the Jelenia Góra branch of SARP

09 of December '19

Elections of new authorities for the 2019-2023 term were recently held at local SARP branches[results]. In the pages of our portal, we decided to introduce you to the plans of the newly elected presidents of the association, as well as ask why it is worth belonging to SARP. In the first installment of the new series, Paweł Orłowski, president of the SARP branch in Jelenia Góra, answered our questions. We invite you to read more!

SARP, or the Society of Polish Architects, is an organization of architects throughout the country. Its history dates back to 1877 - the initiative of builders and engineers from the Krakow Technical Society, and later, in 1899, the activity of architects in the Warsaw Society for the Promotion of Trade and Industry. A continuation of these activities was the Delegation of Polish Architects, established in 1908, whose main task was to represent the aspirations of Polish architects operating in all annexations - creating common architectural expositions, organizing competitions, developing a common position on the protection of the architectural profession, making demands on the organization of architectural education and developing the rules of architectural competitions.

In 1919, the Warsaw Circle of Architects organized the First General Assembly of Architects, and in 1926 the Association of Polish Architects - SAP - was established. At the congress of Polish architectural associations, the establishment of the institution of periodic conventions of delegates (Delegation of Polish Architects) was passed, and the Union of Associations of Polish Architects - ZSAP - was established in Poznan. In 1934, the General Assembly of Delegates in Warsaw established the Association of Architects of the Republic of Poland - SARP, which united the existing organizations of architects. The name was changed in 1952 to the Association of Polish Architects, but the acronym SARP was retained.

SARP Jelenia Góra Branch

Paweł Orłowski
president of the SARP branch in Jelenia Gora

© SARP Jelenia Góra Branch

A&B: What program of activities of the SARP branch do you assume for the nearest future? Are there any changes planned?

Pawel Orlowski: In addition to its statutory goals, the SARP Jelenia Gora Branch can be proud of its activity in promoting the architecture of mountainous areas. Its main form is the organization of the "Karkonosze Architectural Meetings KASA" - a cyclical event aimed at promoting contemporary architecture emerging in the region of the former Jelenia Gora province, by pointing out its positive examples, analyzing them and presenting them during architects' meetings, and in the public media. From among the many nominated, completed buildings, the best one is selected, which SARP honors with the Mister award.

Since we live in a region that remains at the intersection of three countries: Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany, the branch tries to establish cooperation with colleagues from across the nearby borders in order to exchange experiences, opinions, knowledge of architecture that is being created in our region in order to inspire each other, improve their skills, and together build a favorable image of our region. That's why last year saw the XXIII edition, a jubilee event marking its 30thanniversary, organized in cooperation with a Czech partner - the Faculty of Architecture at the Technical University of Liberec. Fruitful cooperation with this institution also took place during a series of Polish-Czecharchitectural workshops for children called "Little Architects."

On the initiative of the branch, a series of architectural meetings - "Karkonoski Salon of Architecture KaSA" - was also created. Its purpose is to show the local community modern directions and styles in construction and space shaping, based on the work of the most renowned Polish architects such as Robert Konieczny of KWK Promes, Zbigniew Maćków, APA Kuryłowicz & Associates and JEMS Architects.

In addition to such events, the Jelenia Góra branch of SARP makes numerous attempts at initiatives aimed at revitalizing and training local architects by inviting well-known manufacturers of assortment used in construction or experts in regulations to give lectures on the current state of the law in the field used in the architectural profession. It is also common to promote national architectural competitions or participate in local cultural events.

The current Executive Board of the branch, with its refreshed and enlarged membership, intends to continue all of the above traditions and is gradually taking steps to do so. But that's not all. For a long time we have been carrying around plans to organize competitions, which are rare in the Jelenia Góra region, for several reasons. At the moment we are putting this goal at the top of our list of priorities. One of them is also to support the activities of the authorities and non-governmental organizations of the region, as well as to promote the protection of cultural heritage, seeing the poor condition, many monuments important for the regional identity of the Jelenia Góra Valley.

A&B: How many members are there in the branch and how much are the dues?

Paweł Orłowski: 32 people. The fee is 100 PLN / year.

A&B: Why is it important to be a member of SARP?

Pawel Orlowski: The world we currently live in is overflowing with information. The more we know, the more we want to act, the greater our expectations of ourselves, but also the greater the social pressure. In all this rush of information and chaos, initiatives that are important to us can often be overlooked. That's why it's important to act together, because if we don't see something ourselves, don't come up with something or can't do something, maybe someone else will do it for us. SARP is an excellent platform for us to share information and come to achievements unexpected to ourselves together. Especially in the world of architecture, art and the broader space around us, which are dynamically changing and evolving, responding to the needs of today's reality.

What do we need today? Freshness, creativity, curiosity, courage. The Jelenia Góra branch is a mountain unit, and the mountains have always attracted people who are brave, curious, sensitive to the world. Above all, people who are different - in terms of age, type of architectural aesthetics or social views. SARP, through meetings and discussions on a collegial level, allows these differences to unite and turn them into successes. Successes in the form of inspiring lectures by interesting figures in the world of architecture, educational training meetings or events that promote good architecture or teaching workshops, and finally - cooperation with Polish and foreign partners to broaden one's horizons.

In today's world we are in a constant battle with time, snatching scraps of it for situations that give us rest and energy for action. Numerous meetings in an intimate office in the attic of a historic building in Jelenia Gora, are not only work or study, not only a mission to fight for good space, its promotion or activation of the professional community, but also an opportunity to catch your breath among friends and their helping hand when you need it.

Being a member of SARP is voluntary. It's a place for people with passion, who don't care what our reality looks like and will look like, who want to develop themselves and share the knowledge they gain with others.

The vote has already been cast