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Farnsworth House designed by Mies van der Rohe on the big screen

07 of May '20

Standing in Illinois, the building once owned by American medical doctor Edith Fransworth is the last private home created by architect Mies van der Rohe. It is considered one of the more interesting realizations of the glass house idea next to the Glass House in New Canaan. A film is in development that will tell the story of the circumstances of its creation. The leading roles will be played by Ralph Fiennes and Elizabeth Debicki.

Surrounded by greenery, the glass building continues to impress. Farnsworth House is a modernist suburban house that was created specifically for weekend getaways. It was built between 1945 and 1950 in Plano, Illinois. From an initial typical relationship between architect and client, the couple began to have a more intimate relationship. The friendship was severed by a conflict sparked by the high cost of completing the house. It was ended in a lawsuit, which Mies van der Rohe won. Edith Fransworth sold the property in 1972. In 1995 it was listed as a US National Heritage Site.

Originally Jeff Bridges and Maggie Gylenhaal were to play the lead roles, but they dropped out of the film. Richard Press, creator of the award-winning documentary "Bill Cunningham New York" among others, was behind the camera. Production began in 2017, the release date is not yet known.

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