Publicity in 2021 by Małgorzata Tomczak

Publicity in 2021 by Małgorzata Tomczak

Architecture journalism

This section of the portal presents articles about architecture written from the perspective of representatives of various sciences - professional and interdisciplinary.

Who writes about architecture?

Anyone who manifests an interest in architecture is entitled to write journalistic texts about architecture, and can confidently compete in this discipline with authors who are most competent to speak about it in a critical or scientific manner - architects and architects, art historians and art historians, and people who specialize in different varieties of civil engineering.

architecture in fiction

Artists and authors of novels also write about architecture. Particularly abundant descriptions are provided by detective stories, but also on the pages of other genre varieties of epic they are not lacking. It is often the case that buildings are metaphors for the oppressive system in which the protagonist lives, such as in the case of Franz Kafka's "The Castle." At other times they provide a closed place for the plot, as is common in black romanticism. At other times they serve only as a background. Sometimes literary scholars, based on excerpts from literary works that refer to architecture, identify cities where the narrative leads, or speculate on the equivalents of the places in question in the real world.

architecture in songs

Architecture also happens to be a graceful subject of songs. It often scrolls through them as part of the characteristics of entire cities: "Walking in Memphis" (Cher / Marc Cohn) gives a tour of Elvis Presley's small Tennessee homeland, "Angel of Harlem" (U2) gives a tour of New York, "Where Are We Now" (David Bowie) gives a tour of Berlin. Sometimes such a piece can provoke and inspire you to scribble more a few words about architecture.

architecture vs. other scientific disciplines

Architecture can be written about in many ways, so the multitude of scientific disciplines manifesting a predilection for it seems immeasurable. In the first place, of course, it absorbs the attention of those trained strictly in architecture or related fields, but the humanities and social sciences do not ignore architecture either. In the literature, for example, there are well-known publications addressing architectural-urban issues in criminological, feminist, anthropological, sociological or socioeconomic, even philosophical, etc.

what is architecture journalism

This is mainly articles and columns, but sometimes also reports on architecture. They popularize and bring knowledge about architecture in an interesting and reliable, but accessible way, understandable to the widest possible audience. Often teachers and teachers academics who practice scientific writing on a daily basis also reach for this form.

journalistic text vs. academic article

Publicism is a type of written expression characterized by subjectivity. This distinguishes it from scientific writing. Therefore, journalistic texts about architecture can be written by representatives of various sciences, and even by enthusiasts with no formal education, provided that they meticulously study the subject in a hobbyist manner.


Redaktorka naczelna Architektura & Biznes od 2009 roku. W A&B od 2004 roku, najpierw jako sekretarz redakcji. Krytyczka i badaczka przestrzeni miejskich, architektury, sztuki i designu. Absolwentka historii sztuki na UJ, specjalność — sztuka najnowsza. Autorka licznych publikacji i wykładów z zakresu architektury, przestrzeni publicznej i sztuki. Uczestniczka konferencji naukowych i seminariów międzynarodowych w dziedzinie architektury i rozwoju miasta, jurorka w konkursach architektonicznych, redaktorka książek. Obecne zainteresowania koncentruje na zagadnieniach związanych z rozwojem przestrzeni zurbanizowanej oraz współczesnej architektury skandynawskiej. Uczestniczka wyjazdu studyjnego po Norwegii finansowanego przez Ambasadę Królestwa Norwegii (2011 rok). Kuratorka programu edukacyjnego "W miasto idziemy!" zrealizowanego w Bunkrze Sztuki w Krakowie, będącego cyklem spotkań z udziałem ekspertów, architektów, samorządowców skupionych wokół aktualnych i najważniejszych zjawisk architektoniczno-społecznych (2014 rok). Prywatnie fanka wszystkiego co skandynawskie i izraelskie, joginka i wege od 25 lat, lubi koty, jeździ rowerem; planuje kiedyś skończyć rozpoczęty wiele lat temu doktorat.