News by CDF Architekci by Helena Postawka-Lech

News by CDF Architekci by Helena Postawka-Lech

News A&B, architecture, competitions, events, news

The News section of the Architecture&Business portal is a treasure trove of knowledge about what is currently happening in the world of architecture. If you want to stay up to date, follow the individual sections: you will find here information about the most important events - awards, competitions and their results, such as on the occasion of the competition for the design of Center for Literature and Language - "Planet Lem", you will read excerpts from the books we recommend, including one of the interviews from the publication by Katarzyna Jagodzinska titled "New Places for New Art in Central Europe", you will find news about issues related to cities, the profession, professional meetings, and recommended exhibitions.


In this section we also present those events that we have covered under our media patronage - if you are looking for information about this year's edition of architecture workshops OSSA, you can be sure that with us you will find it.

A&B's favorites

The News section combines the pleasant with the useful - during coffee breaks, we invite you to A&B's Favorites - the editors' rankings of selected studios, projects and architects from around the world.

lege artis

For those who want to deepen their knowledge in issues related to the law in the architectural profession, we have a column called Lege artis, in which you can read, for example, about construction authorizations in the architectural specialty.

student zone and university zone

In this part of the portal there is also a place dedicated to universities and architecture students - the university zone and student zone. In the universities section, we publish all information related to the activities of Polish higher education institutions with departments and majors related to architecture, urban planning and design. In here we publish, among other things, events that individual universities organize, such as the student training trip on modern BIM technology. In turn, the students' zone is dedicated to young design students - we show in it distinguished and awarded projects of future stars of the world of architecture, including the winner of this year's BDA-SARP award and concepts sent to us by students - if you want to show your work, we encourage you to contact the editors.

Academy of A&B - the competition for the best diploma

In the News section there is also a place for the editorial team's activities - the cyclical A&B Academy, in which, both in the pages of the magazine and on our website, we present the best diploma works of students and graduates of architectural studies defended at Polish universities.

Events and events organized by A&B

A&B's Events section, in turn, is full of organized events related to architecture - author lectures, competitions, Festival of Open Architecture Studios, the annual competition for the Maciej Nowicki Prize and many, many others.

companies write...

In this section we also publish news presented by various manufacturers. Are you looking for fashionable wallpaper or extremely thin sinks? At us you will find them without any problem!

Biuro projektowe CDF Architekci istnieje na rynku usług projektowych od czerwca 1995 roku. Powstało z inicjatywy Karola Fiedora – założyciela i prezesa zarządu spółki. Od początku działalności projektanci biura starają się tworzyć obiekty wyróżniające się wysoką jakością i ponadczasową formą. Przez kolejne lata dorobek projektowy firmy stopniowo powiększa się o kolejne wysokiej klasy budynki biurowe, hotele, obiekty przemysłowe, osiedla mieszkaniowe oraz wielofunkcyjne kompleksy komercyjne.

Helena Postawka-Lech (ur. 1985) — historyczka sztuki, absolwentka Instytutu Historii Sztuki na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim. W latach 2010–2020 związana z Międzynarodowym Centrum Kultury jako kuratorka programów dla publiczności. Zajmuje się krytyką artystyczną pisząc do periodyków branżowych, w tym na stale współpracując z magazynem Contemporary Lynx. Regularnie współpracuje z różnymi instytucjami kultury, z Małopolskim Instytutem Kultury w Krakowie, dla którego przygotowywała szlak architektury międzywojennej w Krynicy oraz prezentację „Małopolska modernistyczna” w ramach projektu Wirtualne Muzea Małopolski. Zapalona birdwacherka i urbansketcherka.