Patronages in 2024 by MAŁECCY Biuro Projektowe

Patronages in 2024 by MAŁECCY Biuro Projektowe


What is the mission of A&B Monthly? What important events are patronized by A&B Monthly? What can interest students of architecture and design? How to encourage an exchange of views between the business community and the community of architects, designers and designers?

What events are covered by the patronage of A&B monthly magazine?

Both on the portal and in the section of the monthly magazine entitled "Media Patronages", there is something for everyone interested. Architecture & Business carries out its educational and cultural mission by exercising media patronage over major architectural events in Poland, often of international scope. The monthly also patronizes projects it co-organizes, such as International Architecture Biennale in Krakow. All the institutions promoted by A&B, which currently offer a variety of events such as training courses, symposia, interdisciplinary academic conferences and congresses, which are attended not only by professors, but also by representatives of Polish and foreign architectural offices, serve an educational function and contribute to the development of contemporary architecture. Competitions, workshops or meetings for students, architects, urban planners and designers, which A&B promotes, are organized by universities, organizations, foundations and building products companies. The monthly encourages participation in important scientific and artistic events offered by museums, architectural associations and those associated with urban movements. An example of a periodic event sponsored by A&B Monthly is OSSA, or The National Meeting of Architecture Students, a workshop organized by students and for students, during which participants take part in lectures and debates, and discuss and debate design ideas under the guidance of experienced tutors.

what might interest architecture and design students?

In this section we present, among other things, events dedicated to students, such as Parametric Summer School - a week-long workshop on parametric architecture. Not only students, but also architecture graduates are targeted by meeting mentors. As part of the lecture series "Meeting with Master", organized at the Cracow Branch of SARP, the work of prominent representatives of Polish architecture is presented.

a place to exchange views

Through the exercise of media patronage, A&B wishes to encourage an exchange of views between the business community and the community of architects, designers and designers. Training projects and competitions are aimed at establishing business relationships between manufacturers and designers. This is served, among other things, by promoting industry fairs such as the Warsaw Home.

Firma MAŁECCY Biuro Projektowe funkcjonuje na rynku od 1997 roku.

Do klientów, którzy obdarzyli nas swoim zaufaniem, należą między innymi:

Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych RP, Urząd Miasta Stołecznego Warszawy, Intermarche Polska, Millenium Inwestycje Sp. z o.o., Sony Center, Rossmann Sp. z o.o., ING Bank Śląski, ING Nationale Nederlanden, Eurobank S.A., Alior Bank S.A., Telekomunikacja Polska S.A., BP Polska Sp. z o.o., Orlen S.A., Urząd Gminy Łaziska Górne, Urząd Miasta w Rybniku.

Ponadto naszymi klientami jest szerokie grono inwestorów instytucjonalnych i prywatnych.

Nasz zespół projektowy posiada doświadczenie przy opracowywaniu tematów projektowych jak Ambasada RP w Sztokholmie, Ambasada RP w Abudży, placówka konsularna RP w Winnicy, Centrum konferencyjnoszkoleniowe ING w Katowicach, zabudowa wielorodzinna w Katowicach — Enklawa Modernistyczna (etap A i B), Centrum Sportowe na Osiedlu Bażantów w Katowicach, OPEL Polska — fabryka w Gliwicach, supermarkety Intermarche i Bricomarche (Pszczyna, Knurów, Pabianice, Tomaszów Mazowiecki, Bełchatów), standaryzacja oddziałów ING BSK w Warszawie, Bydgoszczy, Siewierzu, Płocku, Przemyślu, Częstochowie, Starachowicach, siedziba ING Nationale Nederlanden w Kielcach, kompleks ujeżdżalni koni w Olsztynie (2500 m² + 400 m²), rezydencja mieszkalna w Myszkowie (1200 m²), projekty restauracji, kawiarni, pubów.

Wielobranżowy zespół projektowy zapewnia wysoką jakość opracowań wszystkich branż i dziedzin związanych z projektowaniem inwestycji budowlanych.

Chętnie w osobistej rozmowie przedstawimy szerzej nasze możliwości i doświadczenie.

Joanna i Wojciech Małeccy

Odwiedź SIMONSWERK na targach Architect@work 2024