

The season for grilling in Polish gardens lasts almost half the year. The first opportunity to warm up the burners are the warm days of pre-winter, but barbecuing among the falling leaves in autumn also has its charm. How to choose barbecue equipment to enjoy the flavor of aromatic dishes at every feast? It is worth betting on a reputable manufacturer with a wide range of grills, and then decide on the model that is optimally suited to your needs.

Is a charcoal grill for you?


A charcoal-fired grill is a traditional and simple device for preparing meals outdoors. Its great advantage is its mobility, uncomplicated design and low price. For this reason, coal-fired grills are very popular among owners of allotments, summer houses, as well as lovers of overnight camping. Most devices of this type can be easily assembled and stored, and even fit in a car trunk. Fuel in the form of coal or briquette is widely available, giving you the opportunity to grill away from civilization and sources of electricity. Traditional barbecuing certainly has its charm - it's the art of using a fire starter and keeping the embers of the lit coals burning. However, a charcoal grill may not be enough during garden parties with a large number of hungry revelers.

Modern gas and electric grills


Grillers powered by gas or electricity are advanced devices that can match home kitchens in the number of functions. Most of them are designed for stationary use due to their size, weight and the need to connect to electricity or a gas cylinder. At the same time, this is their advantage - the large surface area of the grates and additional worktops, burners and even woks allow you to prepare many dishes in a short time. The strengths of electric and gas-powered devices are safe ignition regardless of weather conditions and the ability to precisely control the temperature level.

Functions and accessories to make grilling easier


What features should a modern grill have to suit your needs? The latest generation devices may have infrared burners capable of producing extremely high temperatures, which guarantees truly juicy burgers and steaks. You should also look out for grills equipped with additional grates, burners and ceramic plates, allowing you to prepare smaller dishes and even fries. If your priority is safety, be sure to choose a grill with a tight lid and heat-resistant handle. Additional equipment for a modern grill may include a set of grilling accessories - a spatula, tongs, skewer pins, corn holders - and convenient hooks for hanging them up while you prepare your meal. Many units also have built-in shelves and cabinets for additional equipment. If you want to move the grill freely around the garden, opt for a model equipped with convenient casters.


You can read about all the news and the best appliances in the Grills section of the Home Products portal.
