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Rebuilding Antioch after the earthquake - Foster + Partners plan

12 of August '24

Foster + Partners

Last year's earthquake on the border between Turkey and Syria significantly damaged Antioch. It is estimated that the cataclysm consumed up to 80% of the city. In October 2023, the non-governmental organization Türkiye Design Council established an international consortium to develop solutions to rebuild this ancient city. Foster + Partners office, part of this global team of experts, put forward its proposal for revitalizing the affected area.

Wizualizacja Antiochii po odbudowie według planu Foster + Partners

Visualization of Antioch after reconstruction according to Foster + Partners' plan

© Foster + Partners

The redevelopment plan for Antioch (now known as Antakya) was developed by {tag:pracownie} in cooperation with Buro Happold, MIC-HUB and leading Turkish studios DB Architects and KEYM Urban Renewal Center. The proposal covers a 30-square-kilometer area of the city and is part of a broader process oriented toward redevelopment in the 50-hectare area of the Turkish capital Hatay.

Green-blue architecture by Foster + Partners

The studio founded by Norman Foster has revealed the rules guiding the Antioch revitalization plan. Construction is to be carried out on safe ground, the boundaries of which take into account projected increases in water levels. Architects have also introduced new protective green belts along the banks of the Orontes River, which will protect the city in case of flooding. City parks, nature trails, playgrounds and pocket parks are expected to double the area of green space per capita.

Wizualizacja zagospodarowania brzegów rzeki Orontes po odbudowie Antiochii

Visualization of the development of the banks of the Orontes River after Antioch's reconstruction

© Foster + Partners

Improving public transportation in Antioch

Foster + Partners focused on the creation of an efficient public transportation system, including multimodal hubs located at major intersections along the city's ring road. The main arteries will be preserved, but the capital's Hatay reconstruction project prioritizes pedestrian traffic and public transportation.

Antakya - new neighborhood plan

The master plan delineates thirteen new districts. Through each of them runs a central axis-street with commercial and service establishments. Each district is further divided into neighborhoods, the design of which takes into account climatic and geographic conditions, such as prevailing wind directions.

Projekt ulic ma zachęcać mieszkańców do przemieszczania się pieszo

The design of the streets is intended to encourage residents to move around on foot

© Foster + Partners

Antioch's historic legacy after the earthquake

The British studio doesn't want to reinvent the city from scratch - the goal of the revitalization is to create a place that residents will recognize and feel safe. The architects are respectful of Antakya's rich, diverse heritage, so the historic character of the streets and the architectural rhythm of the facades will be preserved. The reconstruction is also expected to restore the city's historic buildings to public use.

Antakya now

The Türkiye Design Council ensures that representatives of the local community are consulted at every stage of planning The organization's priority is to provide residents with spaces where social ties are easily established.

Mieszkańcy mają się poczuć w odbudowanej Antiochii swobodnie i bezpiecznie

Residents are expected to feel at ease and safe in a rebuilt Antioch

© Foster + Partners

Ania Kociucka

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