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Contact us
Małgorzata Tomczak
Editor-in-chief of Architecture & Business since 2009. At A&B since 2004, first as editorial secretary. Critic and researcher of urban spaces, architecture, art and design. Graduate of art history at the Jagiellonian University, specializing in recent art. Author of numerous publications and lectures on architecture, public space and art. Participant of scientific conferences and international seminars in the field of architecture and urban development, juror in architectural competitions, editor of books. Her current interests focus on issues related to the development of urban space and contemporary Scandinavian architecture. Participant of a study tour of Norway funded by the Royal Norwegian Embassy (2011). Curator of the educational program "Into the city we go!" implemented in Bunkier Sztuki in Krakow, which is a series of meetings with experts, architects, local government officials focused on current and most important architectural and social phenomena (2014). Privately, she is a fan of everything Scandinavian and Israeli, a yogi and vege for 25 years, likes cats, rides a bicycle; she plans to someday finish her PhD, which she started many years ago.
Architektura & Biznes – articles

"Grille 2D" - Design of a restaurant in the historical building of the Mogilska turnpike, proj. Ewelina Słomska
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