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Center of self actualization and creativity. New impetus for the development of Przemysl

17 of January '25
w skrócie
  1. The design of the Center for Self-Updating and Creativity in Przemyśl is an architectural proposal to counter the migration of young residents and the city's economic stagnation.
  2. The center is a multidisciplinary scientific and cultural space, integrating education, innovation and recreation, using green technologies.
  3. The project was inspired by examples of institutions such as Experimentarium in Denmark and the Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw, which combine educational and social functions.
  4. The facility responds to the needs of local residents and residents, offering spaces to develop passions, organize events and support local businesses.

  5. For more interesting information, visit the home page of the AiB portal

    The design for the Center for Self-Updating and Creativity in Przemyśl is a master's thesis by Wojciech Buchtalarz of the Cracow University of Technology, created under the supervision of Dr. Luas Patrick Olma. The architectural proposal responds to the challenges facing Poland's smaller cities facing the migration of young male/female residents and economic stagnation. The project not only promotes cultural and economic development, but also redefines the role of architecture in shaping the future of smaller urban centers.



    © Wojciech Buchtalarz

    Problems of smaller cities and a vision for solutions

    Przemyśl, located in the southeastern corner of Poland, is a city with a rich history and culture, but is struggling with many problems. High unemployment, a declining population and a lack of places conducive to self actualization are just some of the challenges. The Self-Updating and Creativity Center project aims to tap into the city's untapped potential, transforming it into a center that inspires residents to take action.

    zagospodarowanie terenu

    land development

    © Wojciech Buchtalarz

    As it stands today, Przemyśl is struggling with a number of constraints hindering its development. The closure of former industrial plants has contributed to a decline in the number of jobs, which in turn has led to an increase in the migration of young people to larger cities. In addition, the lack of attractive educational offerings and places supporting personal development has a negative impact on the local community. The center aims to respond to these problems by creating a space where residents can pursue their passions, educate themselves and collaborate.

    koncepcja i schematy

    concept and diagrams

    © Wojciech Buchtalarz

    The center is to function as a scientific and cultural space, combining education, art and innovation. Based on examples of similar institutions in Poland and Europe, the author proposes a building that will become a catalyst for change. The location of the project was chosen to fit into the natural context of the city, taking advantage of its landscape and historical assets.

    rzut parteru z otoczeniem

    first floor plan with surroundings

    © Wojciech Buchtalarz

    Main design assumptions

    The project includes not only the building, but also the park space, providing a place for relaxation and integration of residents/residents. Important features of the designed center include multidisciplinarity, functional flexibility, revitalization and ecology. The building offers teaching spaces, thematic laboratories, workshops and multimedia exhibitions. The modular design allows the interiors to be adapted to different needs, and the whole fits into the local historical and landscape context. Sustainable technological solutions, such as photovoltaic panels and water retention systems, complete the design.

    rzut pierwszego piętra

    second floor plan

    © Wojciech Buchtalarz

    The park space has been designed with people of all ages in mind. There will be play areas for children, as well as spaces for outdoor events. In addition, educational paths are envisaged, which will integrate park functions with the center's activities. All this is intended to create a harmonious space that will promote social integration and physical activity.

    rzut drugiego piętra

    second floor plan

    © Wojciech Buchtalarz

    inspiration from other realizations

    The project is based on an analysis of the functioning of similar centers, such as Experimentarium in Denmark or the Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw. An important aspect was to combine educational functions with recreational spaces. The author points out that inspiring architecture supports revitalization processes.

    Experimentarium in Denmark is an excellent example of how architecture can become part of the education and social activation process. The building, which formerly served as a brewery, has been transformed into a modern science center. It uses innovative technological solutions while preserving historical elements. A similar model can be applied in Przemyśl, adapting existing buildings for new functions.



    © Wojciech Buchtalarz

    The Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw has become an inspiration in terms of the use of educational spaces and interactive exhibitions. Multimedia exhibitions, workshops and scientific demonstrations attract thousands of visitors annually, proving that such projects have the potential to generate economic growth and interest in the region.

    Significance for Przemyśl

    The Center for Self-Updating and Creativity is intended as a response to the city's demographic and economic problems. According to surveys of residents, the lack of places to support personal development and cultural events is one of the main reasons why young people migrate. The new facility will be a place where young people develop their passions, and the local community will find a space for integration.

    przekrój i wizualizacje

    cross-section and visualizations

    © Wojciech Buchtalarz

    The project also takes into account the needs of local entrepreneurs and NGOs, which will gain access to modern conference and workshop spaces. This will make the center a place that supports both personal development and business activities. What's more, thanks to its convenient location and adequate technical facilities, the facility can attract tourists/tourists, which will boost the region's economy.

    Aleksandra Skorupa

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