Work submitted for the competition
"Best Diploma Architecture".
The project "Human-non-human relations in the city - an interspecies hotel in Wroclaw" was developed as part of the master's thesis. Its main goal was to create a facility adapted to the needs of different species, devoid of inequality and violence. Instead of treating other organisms as background elements, the hotel creates spaces that take into account their specific needs, incorporating them into the life of the city.
site plan
© Kamila Zboina
The project involves raising awareness, sensitizing and educating users about various forms of caring for nature. An attempt to organize interspecies relations and create experimental spaces was central to the conception of the work.
first floor plan
© Kamila Zboina
The designed object is located in the vicinity of the Oława River, whose presence is an important element of the urban landscape, as it constitutes an ecological corridor and covers a larger area than the riverbed itself. This location was chosen to attempt to present viable solutions, which are a design challenge in the context of human-non-human relations. The building is surrounded by wild, spontaneously developing nature, which is a refuge for many species.
north elevation
© Kamila Zboina
It was decided to elevate the building and communications above ground level to allow small animals to move easily and to provide free water retention. Crossing the main footbridge through the wild, chaotically developing greenery towards the building gives visitors the opportunity to interact with the subnature, get out of their comfort zone and change their perception of nature in the city. After analyzing the species present in the study area, elevations were designed for bats, birds and insects.
western elevation
© Kamila Zboina
Solutions were also applied to minimize the risk of collision between birds and glazing. The concept of the building's massing results from natural analyses showing the degree of wildlife development in the developed area. In order to preserve as much land area occupied by the fourth nature as possible, the functions of the building were incorporated in a linear manner, adapting them to the spaces not yet mastered by the subnature. In addition, the linearity of functions and the flowing form of the building refers to the natural surroundings and the close presence of the river.
visualization of the pavilion from the outside
© Kamila Zboina
Users enter the hotel rooms through a separate entrance from the outside, which increases the frequency of guests' contact with wildlife. On the north side, the rooms provide views of the greenery. The lobby has been designed with large glazing, which allows visual penetration of uncontrollable nature. In addition, screens have been mounted on the walls to display current images from cameras located in the development area and directed at animal activity sites.
visualization of the entrance and lobby
© Kamila Zboina
The restaurant has a large glass window that guarantees a view of the river and the surrounding greenery. The dishes served here are traditional cuisine using herbs and weeds. A listening room was designed on the first floor. Adequate acoustic insulation provides users with a sound experience that is unique in the urban hustle and bustle, and creates conditions for training deep listening skills. The workshop room was designed in the form of a glazed pavilion with access from the outside and was adapted to conduct classes using natural, locally available materials such as mud, soil, plants and dead wood.
visualization of the workshop pavilion
© Kamila Zboina
The building has been designed with natural ventilation, including two solar chimneys to circulate air, as well as a rainwater drainage system to reuse rainwater. As an experiment, the use of a backyard biogas plant converting organic waste into biogas and compost has been proposed, which is also expected to engage the local allotment community.
visualization room transition
© Kamila Zboina
The project is an experimental endeavor presenting viable solutions. It aims to create a hotel that meets the needs of both humans and other organisms that inhabit the urban space. The hotel is a place where different species can coexist on equal terms. It provides an example of how urban spaces can be created that are friendly to all city residents, not just humans. It is practically impossible to live in harmony between humans and other species, but as designers we can try to order these relationships precisely with the help of architecture.
visualization of the room
© Kamila Zboina
Illustrations: © Author