Vacation season. How to increase house security with smart home solutions?

11 of June '24
w skrócie
  1. Summer is a time when more burglaries occur.
  2. With a smart home system, we can remotely check if the garage door is closed.
  3. The alarm is able to detect vibrations on doors and windows, accurately distinguishing everyday ones from real burglary attempts.
  4. The video intercom shows who is standing in front of the entrance and allows you to talk to the visitor remotely.
  5. For more interesting information, visit the main page of the PdD portal

Summer is a period when burglaries increase. How do you secure your house while on vacation? Smart home solutions come to the rescue.

System smart home pomoże nam uniknąć włamania nawet podczas naszej nieobecności

A smart home system will help you avoid burglary even during your absence

© Somfy

How to protect your house against burglary?

During the vacation season, when many homes are empty, the risk of burglaries increases. Most police reports are about simple attempted break-ins. The perpetrators watch selected houses and wait for prolonged absences of the owners to commit robbery. Police statistics show that last year there were 5588 confirmed burglaries. What can we do in this situation? According to the "Raport o budowie domów," in recent years nearly 70% of respondents have secured their property against burglary. However, only more than 30% of respondents chose smart home solutions. Meanwhile, smart security systems such as alarms, cameras and gates provide remote access and full control over the house.

Inteligentne rozwiązania umożliwiają obserwowanie posesji z dowolnego miejsca na świecie

Smart solutions make it possible to observe a property from anywhere in the world

Photo by Emmanuelle Firman © Somfy

Secure your home

It's a good idea to start by checking potential places through which someone could get into your house. The first one is the entry gate. A model with an electric drive connected to a control panel will allow you to use it at any time and from anywhere. This device uses radio technology. Thanks to this, each time after issuing a command we get confirmation of its execution. Such feedback appears in the app. Even while basking on the beach, we can find out whether the gate of our house is definitely closed. Equally important is the garage door. Choosing a smart model, we can check in the app whether the garage door has been closed. This way, even when leaving the house in a hurry, we can be sure that our possessions are protected. This is also a great convenience for the elderly or those with mobility difficulties. With the help of smart home solutions, they won't have to leave the car to open the gate.

Możemy sprawdzić w aplikacji, czy brama garażowa została zamknięta

We can check in the app whether the garage door has been closed

© Somfy

Comprehensive protection

For complete protection, it's also worth getting alarms, cameras and a video intercom. We can combine all these devices into one smart home system. Modern alarms are capable of detecting vibrations on doors and windows, accurately differentiating everyday ones caused by the wind or the impact of a ball, from real attempts to break in with a crowbar or drill. If the system detects suspicious activity, the deterrent process will be triggered immediately. At the same time, we will receive a notification in the app. Combined with well-chosen sensors and cameras, this gives you the possibility to watch over the property at any time. Another solution worth considering is a video intercom, which allows you to check who is standing in front of the house as well as open and close the gate or wicket completely remotely. We are informed about the visitor by an internal monitor bell. In addition, a notification with a photo of the newcomer is sent to all smartphones connected to the app. If someone rings the doorbell during our absence, the video intercom will show us, who is standing in front of the entrance and enable remote conversation with the visitor, thus simulating the presence of the householder.

Wideodomofon wyśle nam zdjęcie osoby próbującej dostać się do naszego domu

The video intercom will send us a photo of the person that tries to get into our house

© Somfy

Want to learn more about smart home technology? Check out our tips!


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